CA nurse that made 260K which prison did she work at.

Specialties Correctional



Not sure if this question was answered in another forum which facility did the nurse Jean Keller who made 260K in a year work at.

Which prison did she work at?

Where is the prison located.

Was she a state employee of the prison or registry or a CA Pool employee

If these questions cannot be answered what part of CA pays the most in corrections

Sandiego or Northern CA.

Is there an agency anyone can reccomend

I am currently a corrections nurse in AZ lots of bills to pay thought about relocating to CA so I can save up to do my BSN and eventually do some volunteer work as a nurse and not have to worry about money so much.

Thanks much.

i have been assaulted waaay more by patients in a hospital, but got socked in my arm once during my stint as an inpatient psych nurse.

this. this this this.

i did er nursing for my preceptorship before accepting a job at a prison. people came in high on pcp, meth, bath salts - or hell, they weren't even high, they were just aggressive as hell. we couldn't really defend ourselves. security wasn't well equipped nor particularly ready to protect nurses. it wasn't uncommon for us to be assaulted to one degree or another.

here? our prison is run on a strict demand of respect from both sides. we aren't allowed to curse - at each other, at inmates, nor them at us. a c/o is a few steps away, i carry a panic alarm, and i'm allowed - and encouraged - to defend myself if necessary. feeling safe at your job is key to being happy; i never thought i'd be happier in a prison than a hospital.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.
You are soo WRONG! where did you get all this? Jean is a great nurse who worked a lot of overtime that was available at CMC when the state hiring freeze was in effect. We could all make as much as her if we worked overtime everyday too. By the way, CDCR salaries are determined by barganing units (union contracts) not location in the state.

We have a "supermax" prison near where I live. In my state, retirement for state employees is based on your 3 highest years of salary. There was a guard who worked there and 3 years b/4 he retired, he sold his house, bought a nice camper and parked it in the lot of the prison. Then he worked double shifts, every holidy and weekend (always guards wanting these off) and every overtime shift he could get his hands on. He lived right in the lot so he was available for those who called in sick or who weren't able to make it in due to weather. Needless to say, he made a LOT of money those last 3 years. It can be done. Now, do I feel it is a safe way to work? Especially in that environment? Oh HAYLE no!!!

Those days of huge overtime are OVER ... That was when there was a huge nursing shortage at CDC .. There is not a shortage now .The nurse worked as a RN and worked an insane amount of hours.A new employee could not do that even if the hours were available.. Due to the fact that overtime is given according to seniority ... Unless you have a lot of years of service there will not be any overtime left for you

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