Afraid to be a CNA!

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I'm 19, and in my second semester of college. I've applied to the LPN program, and am waiting to hear back. Lately I have thought about applying for a CNA job at my local hospital. I did clinicals there when I look a Nursing class at a Technical School during High School. I know what to expect, but I'm so scared. I'm scared of not knowing what to do. I'm afraid of doing something wrong, and people being mean to me. If I can't even be a CNA, how can I possibly be an LPN. Do you think I have what it takes?

Don't be confused my friend. It's not a matter of being scared. Though, I am not a CNA, my sis has opted for it. Initially, even she was scared and not confident about her choice of career. But, now she has completed her CNA training and is doing good as a CNA. You would get the training of your job and gradually learn it. So, just continue with your studies and practices.

Yep as others stated its all about gaining confidence. Many CNA's don't even have aspirations of being a nurse so you'll have a leg up in that. Honestly do not be nervous, you'll be surprised at how natural everything comes. Your coworkers will help you too!

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