Sacramento Spring 2018

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


Hello all,

I was starting this post to see if anyone else were applying to the Spring 2018 semester at the Sacramento campus.

I have taken my Hesi and am anxiously awaiting for the committee meeting!

I have finished a few prerequisites (such as math, English, history, sociology & psychology, etc.)

I have not yet taken any science courses but am hoping to do if I get in this upcoming semester.

If anyone on here is attending this campus, or is applying please let me know how your experience has been so far with the program in Sac.

Congrats Sookie!

Inae - have you had your student services meeting yet? What classes are they having you take your first semester? They have me taking Transition to Nursing (I requested the 9am class), Statistics, and I think the third one was Lifespan Development. I will only be on campus m/w from 9-11 so I am pretty happy that I get to keep my current job and continue working full time!

Also, are all three of those classes on campus?

Yes, you can move the ge classes to whatever order you want to take them. The nursing classes have to stay in the order on the schedule though cause they are usually prereqs for the next class. All the ge classes are online, you will only be on campus for the nr courses I believe.

Registration isn't until November but they will give you an idea of what your schedule will look like at your meeting.

I have my AA so I'm hoping I can transfer over many of the pre-reqs, but I don't have sciences.

Congrats! My meeting is next week also, I'm so excited to enroll into classes! Will you be transferring any pre-reqs over?

I have my AA so I'm hoping I can transfer over many of the pre-reqs, but I don't have sciences.

(Sorry I just figured out the quote feature! haha)

Have any of you registered for your classes yet? I just got the email about our orientation but I still am waiting to hear about registration.

Have any of you registered for your classes yet? I just got the email about our orientation but I still am waiting to hear about registration.

I haven't registered yet. I think they said something about being able to register after the 20th..

Also, were we supposed to get CPR certified before starting? It wasn't mentioned at the meeting but I thought I seen it as a requirement.

I'm pretty sure you have to get the cpr certification by the time you start clinicals...I'm sure they will go over that at orientation though. I am certified but not by aha so I think I have to do it again :/

Have any of you registered for your classes yet? I just got the email about our orientation but I still am waiting to hear about registration.

I have my classes for Jan (Chem, A&P and Intro) but no schedule yet. I haven't heard anything about CPR. Have you all done the sexual harassment online course? I didn't write down where to access it and can't remember.

Yeah I did the sexual harrassment course. Warning - it takes forever! Go to student

Access code is 153226

Just wanted to let you all know that sac will not be having us register until December :/

Just wanted to let you all know that sac will not be having us register until December :/

Thanks for the update! I was getting somewhat nervous thinking that I was behind on registration.

If you don't mind me asking, will you be receiving financial aid or federal loans?

Yes I will be receiving both. Thank god! I dont know how I would afford it otherwise!

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