CRNA's in the U.K!

Specialties CRNA


Having read around the subject of anaesthesia, i iwas surprised to learn about the post of CRNA. I suppose in the UK anaesthesiology is one of the most reverred medical specialities which i why a nurse with 20 years experience in the field still will have never began to induce by his or herself. Finally the NHS (National Health Service) is allowing nurses to practice but it doesn't say how yet. i imagine in true British style it will be spraying lidocaine down people throats for bronchoscopies but hopefully we will take the training programme in the US and apply it exactly to British Nursing education.

Thankyou for educating me about this Nursing speciality which i definetly would love to pursue!!!!!!!!!

Nurses rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle


Is the NHS now going recognize the specialty of CRNA with the applicable schooling and laws ( as set forth by the NHS) pertaining to that role, or are they just going to allow nurses to receive the training, and do the job, but without an official title? I hope it is not the latter as to do so would not give any credit to the profession.

I came across this sometime back in an article somewhere or perhaps a discussion on "another" forum (which shall remain unmentioned...!) - the main jist as I recall, is that IF they pursue it at all, they were leaning toward something akin to the AAs here in the US... BLECK!

I would wish different (& better) for you folks across the pond, but unless things have changed recently, it appears this is the direction they are headed.

So sad...!

I know the uk is soo crap sometimes. its the Medics really

they just want to hold the reins they think they have on us. i reckon if nurses ever do do anaesthesia it will b spraying ligno down patients throats and other dull stuff. the reason is that people in the nhs especially doctors hate change. they also hate you taking anything off of their hands. seriously it's a big deal if a nurse does endoscopy or bronchoscopies or cardioversion. the only roles our medics will let us take are pointless ones that dont require us to either prescribe independently or to make a decision without them.

but either way im a coming to america someday to do my CRNA course. bit worried about the GPA system. we dont have that here. we just have grades. after A-level (ages 16- 18) you get grades A to E (usually in 3 subjects). i did 3 A levels got 2 A's and a B. plus i have the international baccalaureate (a well deserved 9!) does anyone know of a way to convert this to a GPA score??

Anyone? Anybody?

UK Nurses are currently undertaking a 2.5 year masters course in anaesthesia and will upon training completion become fully fledged anaesthesia practitioners or AP's.

The training has already begun and is about half way through for the first batch. I do not know wherte it is run but believe many uk nhs hospitals now are on board.

I have been told that their job desc. includes pre assessment, induction, maintenance and reversal of anaesthsia. It also includes resus and transfers and trauma life support interventions.

I have one friend who mworked with a trainee ap and he was putting in swan sheaths, fem lines, neck lines and art lines in addition to anaesthesia duties.

sounds very interesting. This is in the infancy i am led to believe but will undoubtedly become a major workforce in the uk.

JRD : Anaesthesiologist

In health care, as in many other fields, the market drives change.

NHS will go towards CRNA's, simply because they are a cheaper alternative to anesthesiologists.

The long track record of the US CRNA's will have opened the path for UK CRNA's, even if initially the role would resemble that of an AA.

I can only hope that more European countries will embrace this concept.:idea:

I don't know Businessman. Canada still hasn't moved to use CRNAs despite being right next to the US. I don't know why the UK would unless the nurses push for it.

Maybe in Canada the physicians' lobby is too strong.

It's a pity, as all Canadians are overpaying because of it...

Its really not what you think.

The plan would be decided by the doctor. Evverything would. it is as limiting as the AA way of working. no real autonomy.

And i doubt he'd be doing any of the stuff you described.

The actual plan is to have these anaesthesia practitioners (Not how its not the much more obvious nurse anaesthetist!!!!!!!) babysitting the pt as the doctor will be doing the induction and reversal meaning the AP will place lines etc but have no autonomy to run said drugs to the patient.

so there you have it. A great idea crushed by the selfish its all about us attitude of the medical establishment and the please, dont pay any attention to us, we're just here to be mothers to our paitents attitude of the nursing establishment

There are 'anaesthesia assistants' in Canada, and as far as I can tell that is it.

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