Before the Morning (Failed CRNE three times. what now?)

World Canada CRNE


You are reading page 21 of Before the Morning (Failed CRNE three times. what now?)

how do you fail 3 times?

its a thread about helping not criticizing, go elsewhere for that.

What is the name of the school? And is it in Alberta?

I've been lurking this post and really appalled at how judgemental some people could be!!!Hope you all never fine yourselves in suck a situation !!

Your questions is rather judgemental and insensitive, there are many reasons why people could fail 3x .

The poster asked a legitimate question. Failing three times may be an indication of some serious deficiencies.

If this were a psychosocial type question on the CRNE, "how do you fail 3 times" may be a correct answer, but not the BEST answer. And the rationale? LabellaRN explains it well.

When I was doing CRNE practice questions, such answers are direct and straight forward and may appear to be the correct answer. However, they are wrong because they are judgmental and insensitive (as said by LabellaRN).

Hi, I have been reading through your post and threads and I know you posted your blog back in 2010 but I am going through the same exact situation as you. I feel for you and I hope that things are looking up for you now. I would like to talk to you privately this is my email address [email protected], I just want to tak with someone who has gone through the same pain and frustration as I did. I took the CRNE twice and I was part of the group that was transitioning into the NCLEX type exam. I took it last Jorificeary 2015 and found out In Feb that I didnt pass. I am so incredibly ashamed. Anything that has to do with nursing and healthcare just hurts me so so much. As of right now I am just trying to look for employment to be able to start paying off my loans and bills. My dream was to get my license and hopefully transfer over to the USA since my partner is currently residing in Florida. So again so much frustration and emotions I am feeling. I would really love to talk with you, or if there is anyone in this chat or blog that is willing to talk and listen my e-mail address is there.

Thank you

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