Samuel Merritt ABSN Summer 2013

U.S.A. California


I haven't found a thread for this yet, so I figured I would start one! I am applying in August, after I have my grades from my summer courses. I was wondering what stats other applicants have as well :) I still have to complete human physio lab, general chem and lab, nutrition, and psych so I am not sure if I will get in this time around, but it can't hurt to apply!

Pervious major: Cell and Molecular Biology

Last 60 GPA: 3.4

Prereq GPA (so far): 3.9

TEAS Adjusted Individual Score: 92.7%

TEAS National and Program Percentile Rank: 99

Im excited to connect with other prospective students :)

Hi Rachelynn! I will also be applying to the ABSN program for San Mateo site on September 1st! It's approaching very quickly. I, too, am working on the papers and am a bit stuck on this prompt (I've set it aside for now, ha). For academic honors, I included cum laude awards, if you graduated with honors, and for publications, I used a related research project.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you applying and what are your stats?

I graduated with 3.9

Current pre-reqs are at 3.5

I haven't taken the TEAS V yet, have you? Any advice?

Thanks so much, looking forward to a reply.

Unfortunately I haven't graduated yet so I cant say I've graduated with any honors:( I am on the dean's list tho but idk if that counts? Was your research project published? I am applying to the Oakland cohort for summer 2014. When r u applying? My last 60 unit gpa is around 3.6 and my pre req gpa is 3.4 i think. I took it and got an 89 . I recommend getting the study guide from ATI. It isn't too bad. Sorry for the late reply I just saw this!

and you're applying in sep lol I missed that!

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