Sac State Fall 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. California


Hello Everyone,

I am about to send in my application to CSU Sacramento for Fall 13 and was wondering if there are any other people in the same predicament. Would love love to hear your experiences as well.

Lakerfan510- I believe I read somewhere that we'll find out mid-may. But I've heard in the past that sometimes they release admissions decisions early, and then sometimes their later than expected. I don't think u should worry too much. If we still havnt heard by march 1st you can go ahead and submit your intent to enroll. It's pretty harmless. If you end up not going to sac state it's no biggie.

I believe late April is the ideal, but it can be delayed. I understand your concern, lakerfan510, because I have applied to multiple CSU campuses, and some require non-refundable deposits with the ITE. It would be nice to know decisions before having to put down a deposit at other campuses.

I also don't want to have to wait any extra time!

Eama4444- well if we find out in April that would be great ?

Got an email about university acceptance today. Now I don't know if I should do the ITE early to be able to register for the mandatory registration earlier in hopes that I get accepted, or wait to be sure before paying for orientation... I guess I have a while to figure it out though.

Also, I found the link that gives me hope for late April:

It does specifically say it is tentative though, so I am just being hopeful that they won't keep me waiting even longer...

These two months will go by super quick. Haha. Time really does fly. The wait seems torturous right now but its gonna zip by fasst... I'll try to keep my mind off it for now and focus on other stuff for now until April 30... Then start spazzing out then. Haha. But ya I'm super nervous of course. Hope it turns out well for all of us.

Honestly I think it's going to turn out well for everyone here on this thread! You guys are very competitive applicants! Anyways let's try to get some conversation going while we wait. What areas of nursing are you guys interested in?

Hi there! I am also applying for Sac State in the fall! I have a 4.0 gpa and 87.3 on teas. With optional criteria, I have 81 points! I am so anxious to find out! This wait is going to kill me!!

I have a friend in the program and she says it is a blast. My prayers are with all of you who want to get in.

I have three little boys. Does anyone else have any children and looking into Sac State child care?

Good luck all!!! I hope to see all of you in the fall!!

Honestly I think it's going to turn out well for everyone here on this thread! You guys are very competitive applicants! Anyways let's try to get some conversation going while we wait. What areas of nursing are you guys interested in?

I was thinking pediatrics but I'm pretty much open to whatever interests me during clinicals. What about you?

Nursemommaof3boys- welcome! It makes me happy when others join this thread. 3 boys? Woah that's got to be a wonderful challenge! If u can handle that u for sure can handle nursing school right? Lol. I do not have any children of my own but there is a little one running around the house because my significant other has a son.

Great stats btw! I'm always glad to hear that someone in the program is really enjoying it. I can't wait for that hands on learning and experience!

Michelle_13- I am interested in so many things. Right now I work in geriatrics, and contrary to what I thought I actually enjoy it very much. I also am very interested in woman's health (gynecology and labor and delivery). I could see myself on an icu, nicu, or med surg unit as well. I am also looking into the np route because I'm thinking I'll want to do primary care eventually.

Nurseinthemaking20- they all sound pretty great don't they? I know a nurse that's been in NICU for a long time and she loves it. She also makes great money. It's nice that there are so many different ways that you can go with nursing.

Michelle_13: yes they do. That's one of the things that is appealing about nursing. There's so many different things you can do with it. Assuming we all get in, I hope we all find that place in nursing that we love.

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