National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


It's been forever since I checked out this site....Micro is kicking my butt, but I'll be finished on Saturday. Yeah!!

Congrats to all of you who applied and hope you get acceptance letters soon!!

Saturn....I know you are the one who took the ILR test....thanks for the previous info about what to study. That was super helpful! I'm really worried though because I am scheduled to take the test on November 7th but am applying for the July 2010 cohort which has the app. cutoff date of November 20th. You said it takes about 4 weeks to get a response? Yikes! Will NU allow you to have that pending when you apply or not? I'm totally freaked out that I will now have to take that ILR class this next month and pay a ton of money for such a stupid class. I have A's in all of my pre-recs and if that dang ILR class holds me back I will be so angry! Please let me know if you have any info on that or know what the nursing department says about the pending test.

Thanks so much!

Hi Ali! It's great to hear that I was able to help you out! I was in the same situation as you with the ILR exam. The deadline was very close and approaching. I asked my adviser what to do if my results did not come back before the deadline. She told me that I can make a cover letter explaining the situation. The school would most likely excuse it. For one, you already took the are waiting on their people to get the results back. Heck, they will know your results before you do! I would definitely check with your adviser about it though. Good luck!

Has anyone else heard from National? I hope I get something tomorrow...I really want to get into the January cohort!

Hey Hip & Saturn,

My last name starts with a K

Thanks for the reply Sakurak! Twilight, once again I was thinking the same thing. I was about to post it too. I'm just as anxious. With Sakurak's reply, I don't know how relevant the last name is because mine starts with a B. Eek. If they are going by last names then I'm screwed. =(. I have no idea how they're doing the acceptance process. Maybe by the order of applications turned in? Other than that, I got nothing. I hope I hear something tomorrow too!! **crossing fingers**

Hey thanks Sakura! last name also starts with a K. That rules out alphabetically (I hope). I don't think they go by order of applications either. My adviser said they don't do a "first come, first serve" thing. They gather all of them up first then choose the best 50. My guess is that they have a pile of the best 50, close their eyes and pick them! They do this until they run out of spots to fill up the January cohort, then they email everyone else with acceptance/denial letters...:lol_hitti. That's all I got!

Hey Sakura, was your ~2.6 GPA in prerequisites or overall?


Not sure if you still read these threads since you are now an RN and everything (congrats again!), but I was just wondering how you are doing with getting a job in this economy right now. I ran into a National new grad while doing my Med-Surg clinicals and she said it's so hard to get into a New Grad program right now. Is that true that you have to be in a new grad program in order to work as an RN? Well I hope everything is going great for you! :) I would love to hear from you...

And good luck to those waiting to get in to National! :)

I was curious about the same thing...hopefully the job market improves soon. I keep hearing these stories about new grads not being able to get jobs...scary stuff.

Anyhoo, another day without an acceptance email...all this waiting is making me sprout grey hairs...:bugeyes:

ugh no letter for me! man I'm scared. 50 doesn't sound like a lot.

I got too anxious and I just emailed my adviser asking me when they started sending out acceptance/denial emails...ugh it is making me sick! :barf02: It is like my entire life and future is on hold right now! I am kind of a control freak and I don't like this one bit! At least we are in the same boat so we can help each other out!

LOL...I love the little smiley that is throwing up! I totally know how you feel Twilight. My app deadline is Nov 20th and they told the people at the Nursing forum that we will not hear back until early March!!! Seriously? It takes 4 months?? Anyway! It is all on a point system according to your science and math pre-recs, your TEASE score, and your essay score. Only the top 50 get in....they don't pick and choose, it is all done according to who did the best is at the top and then they work ther way down from there. I'd assume that that is the order that they'd send out their acceptance letters too, but don't know for sure. I also heard that they had 200 applicants for your cohort.

Saturn, I signed up for the ILR test but when I called the nursing department and told them, they told me that I could not apply if my test hadn't been graded. The lady at the nursing department told me that it is taking 6-8 weeks to grade the tests right now and that one applicant (a case this is anyone on this board) that took the test in August and applied for the cohort you applied for STILL hasn't had his test graded and will be pushed back to the November 20th application date. SOO....needless to say, I'm takig ILR right now because I don't want to have to wait another 3 months. What a joke! The class just seems like a lot of busy work.....uhhhhg. A 7-8 page research paper is frustrating too b/c I shouldn't have had to even take the class. Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know in case anyone else is in my same boat.

Hope you all hear something soon and get that acceptance e-mail!

Lol! You like that? I thought it was perfect for the way I was feeling! 4 months is about right...from the time you apply, you take your TEAS and essay. You will get a choice of dates to take them, so studying for the TEAS will help pass time. It does go by fast and after you finish the TEAS and essay, they will give a time frame as to when you will get an email. I hope they just go down the list starting with the ones with the highest points. That would be completely fair. 200?! Really?! :eek: Holy cow!! Now I am a bit more nervous! Lol! Man...that is horrible about the ILR took me a little under 4 weeks...maybe mine got misplaced to the top of the stack! Anyways, better safe then sorry...I would most likely take the actual class instead of risking it. Well good luck on your paper!! Sorry it has to be 7 pages!

BTW, still no email...:banghead:

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