how long does it take for them to evaluate your job application?

U.S.A. California


I sent out an application online exactly a month ago and I haven't heard anything from it yet. Is this a usual time frame? I tried calling them twice already to follow up but never got a return call. I have the experience needed for the job, so i can't understand why they have not responded yet. Job is still available online. I am moving to san diego area in 5 weeks and I don't have a job yet. starting to freak out a lil bit.

Anyways, how long does it usually take for hospitals in san diego area to evaluate job applications??:crying2::crying2::crying2:

It's really tough to get a nursing job in California right now. Not only are all our nursing schools terribly impacted, there has been a state wide hiring freeze for a while now. I'm going into my senior year of nursing school and have lived in Ca my whole life, ans out professors are recommending that we apply for jobs out of state because even seasoned nurses are having trouble finding one wants to hire a new grad. I've worked with three prople from my nursing school (during clinicals) who are licences nurses but are still working as CNAs because there are no jobs. I live in San Francisco and there were 300 applicants for ONE maternity possition that opened up at a local hospital. Part of the problem is that the cost of living in many parts of Californa is so high that older nurses can't afford to retire and those that did retire have gone back to work due to the economy. Plus, we get a lot of traveling nurses because many hospitals here pay more than other hospitals in the nation (here in the Bay Area nurses receive the highest pay out of the whole country so we have a LOT of traveling nurses taking jobs from us). Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so discouraging. Maybe So Cal has more jobs than we do up here...I hope this is the case for you!!! Good luck with the job search!!!

Donit be discouraged, it took me almost two and a half months to get a reply from a company. When the nursing office finally called she said that the job had to be posted for a certain amount of days and that the in house employees nurse had to be given the first chance of obtaining that position. After the deadline for the job if no in house nurse requested a transfer to the position then they started calling other applicants. Although it took almost three months I did get the Job. One of the top hospitals in Florida. Maybe call human resource and ask what is the process for new hires.:):nurse:

I certainly share your frustration: I know about applying on line and never hearing a word back, not even a name of a person to try and figure out why you can't even get to first base with an interveiw, especially when you have all the qualifications....maybe they don't like the way I cross my "t's" or dot ,my "i's" or in this case, they don't like the font I am using..........and I certainly share the frustration when a job is posted and it is a good fit, and you get hopeful, only to find out that that job doesn't even exist or it was filled weeks ago...nasty unfair business...

about circumventing HR and going straight to the manager, that certainly is a good method...but sometimes HR gets upset, a territorial issue. Furthernore, it is not so easy to get to the is very tight and sometimes the guards don't let you get on a unit, especially when it is a critical care unit like PICU, NICU, etc....and who is to say the manager will be there when you come, as always the are at meetings.

So I suppose you try to find out the name of the manager from the receptionist, and try calling the manager, but of course she is not in, and you leave a messsge, or an e-mail, and another message, and again no reply, and you try and try, to the point where you are almost obnoxious, but alas no answer and then you are right back where you started from -a real catch 22...I am getting so burnt out...............I just applied for a NICU job with more than 6 years experience,finally decided I will work nights after all - a good match, Didn't get the job; a whole group of nurses with 20+years who were laid off from an adjacent hospital beat me to it.........can't win....:confused:

I have waited for about six weeks before hearing about an interview before (in San Diego, no less). There is no standard time frame, it just depends on the institution you are applying to. Some will get back to you, others will not. I have waited six weeks and still obtained an interview, but never a job offer. I have waited one month for the conciliatory "thank you, but you did not get the job. please try again later" email. In my experience with trying to get a position over the past 14 months, the longer it is without a response, the worse the news is.

I would try to follow up with a recruiter. Maybe try to email or send a resume and cover letter to the nurse manager directly in addition to the online app. It will be very difficult to get a phone number. Have ANYONE you know in the facility speak on your behalf.

Best of luck!

It's really tough to get a nursing job in California right now. Not only are all our nursing schools terribly impacted, there has been a state wide hiring freeze for a while now. I'm going into my senior year of nursing school and have lived in Ca my whole life, ans out professors are recommending that we apply for jobs out of state because even seasoned nurses are having trouble finding one wants to hire a new grad. I've worked with three prople from my nursing school (during clinicals) who are licences nurses but are still working as CNAs because there are no jobs. I live in San Francisco and there were 300 applicants for ONE maternity possition that opened up at a local hospital. Part of the problem is that the cost of living in many parts of Californa is so high that older nurses can't afford to retire and those that did retire have gone back to work due to the economy. Plus, we get a lot of traveling nurses because many hospitals here pay more than other hospitals in the nation (here in the Bay Area nurses receive the highest pay out of the whole country so we have a LOT of traveling nurses taking jobs from us). Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so discouraging. Maybe So Cal has more jobs than we do up here...I hope this is the case for you!!! Good luck with the job search!!!

I left the Bay area to go to SoCal three years ago because of no job for too long. I got two jobs immediately, but now, three years later, nothing for me. Too bad that more of us are not independently wealthy so that we could afford to leave the workforce.

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