Has anyone failed nursing and came back again?

U.S.A. Arkansas


i am going to be starting back up in my nursing program this october 2006. i have been out since december 2005... i am really worried about failing the second time around, so i've been studying all my old notes and reading everything i can.

my problem is not knowing what to exactly study for and how to answer the questions right on the test!:uhoh3: i always seem to stuy too much or not enough....i have asked other students what they do, and most of them say they don't even read the books, that they just study the class lecture handouts. i feel like i would be missing something if i didn't look in my books....:o

any suggestion would be so helpful.

I was in a BSN program, and had 1 more semester to go before graduation. Well what happen was I ended up failing both nursing classes because of being 1 point from passing in both classes. The instructors did not even give me the one point when I asked, and I knew that if they had given me that point, and I was able to sit for their final, then I would of pass the final. I felt that deep inside. Now I am in another state, and trying to debate rather I should stick with nursing, and try and get into a diploma or associate program this time, and to bridge later, or just change my major to something else because of the failure I already have. I also fail another nursing course earlier, but was able to repeat the course and came out making a B in the course the second time taking it. I just don't know what to do now. Is nursing for me? This is what I really want to do. I was told to explore other health related careers, and to give up on nursing because of the failures. I just feel if I try again, then I should do well this time around. What should I do?

If you really want it then give it all you've got. Quit your job, if you have one. Find help for your kids, if you need it. Clear everything you can and GO FOR IT! Your "failures" were few and lets be real - they were very nearly successes.

I think the most important question here is "What do you want?" If its to be a nurse, then pursue that. If you give it your very best and fail, then you will know you did everything you could, and will have no regrets. The fact that you've gotten SO close proves that you can do it. The associate program would be less of a time investment. You could get your RN, then you could finish your BSN later. :twocents:

I think you CAN :nuke:

I failed out of clinicals with an a A in lecture for med/surge.

My instructor failed me out because I had failed to put my watch

on my wrist. However, the only reason I did not have my watch on

was because the second I walked onto the unit, I responded

to a code blue. The charge nurse was yelling out for an amubag because

for whatever reason, it wasn't on the crashcart, so I ran to the supply

room to grab one. When my instructor approached shortly after the code blue,

ab questioned me about the location of my watch, I simply told her it's in me backpack.

She let me go because I was unprepared. I was gonna say something in

my defense, but it just sound like excuses. Now I have to apply to another

program. Don't give up because if this is your passion, nothing else

will compare.

I failed out of clinicals with an a A in lecture for med/surge.

My instructor failed me out because I had failed to put my watch

on my wrist. However, the only reason I did not have my watch on

was because the second I walked onto the unit, I responded

to a code blue. The charge nurse was yelling out for an amubag because

for whatever reason, it wasn't on the crashcart, so I ran to the supply

room to grab one. When my instructor approached shortly after the code blue,

ab questioned me about the location of my watch, I simply told her it's in me backpack.

She let me go because I was unprepared. I was gonna say something in

my defense, but it just sound like excuses. Now I have to apply to another

program. Don't give up because if this is your passion, nothing else

will compare.

What school do you attend? I hate that this happened to you :(

I just failed med/surg. We needed a 76% average on exams to pass. I received 75.95%. I'm absolutely heartbroken.

On the last day, almost the last hour of my clinical, I was informed that I had failed. This was a complete shock to me. I had every indication that I was progressing and doing well. I have a 97% in the lecture portion. I have decided to appeal, though that also makes me nervous. I take patient care and patient safety very seriously. I ask a lot of questions and I believe that some preceptor nurses don't like the questions and then have told my scholar that I am not competent, which is soo not true. I had no idea that nursing school runs on the fear factor. I am still recovering from the shock and my true friends have called to offer me support. It is even more sad that most of those that I have been in school with for the last year in our accelerated program, have not emailed, or asked how I am, or anything. In addition to feeling totally humiliated and scared for my future, I am now ignored by my fellow classmates. And these are people who are supposed to have compassion and understanding? huh. I am glad that I found these posts. Thank you to all that have come forward and talked about the experience. I am generally a straight A student, so those who know me and know this happened are also shocked.

I am a 26 year old single mother of a 10 month old boy. I live with my child father, but he is very unsupportive. Since having my son I have suffered with postpartum depression and it has just gotten worse in the last few months. I was in my last year at BCHS in memphis, Tn and failed my second class which was Psych. I first failed out of Adult/Med Surg 1, but to my HESI grade in that class. It upset me so much because I was pregnant and sick and my son was not moving that day.. I took the test anyways and then went to the hospital ER to find out that I was sick and it was affecting him. It ended up being fine, but I was going to have to make a 98 on my final to pass and I didn't. I had my son on Aug 24, 2010 and was back in school to retake that class 7 days later on Aug 31, 2010... only to find out that the school would allow students to re-take the HESI one time if they made below 77% the first time. I almost feel out of my seat. Even though, I stuck it out and passed the class as well as Adult/Med surg 2. Then I took Psych, which I am very good at, but my childs father really started some drama in my life the night before one of my tests and caused me to fail it. I am not blaming him, but the stress just weighted on me to much. This caused me to fail Psych and now i'm being kicked out of the school. I am horrified as to what to do. I haven't worked in almost 2 years because of school and jobs are scarce in Memphis. I want to go back to nursing school and try again as soon as I can. I have heard of this Excelsior school for nursing, but you have to had completed at least half of your clinicals needed to graduate and i'm like one hour off from this. Someone please help me. I have let myself down, but most of all I feel like I have let my son down. He depends on me and if he father kicked us out right now we would literally be on the streets. He's not going to do that, but I really fear it. does anyone know of any schools that will allow you to transfer even if you failed?? I'll start all over. I don't care, just as long as I can go back ASAP. thanks- Jess

I never looked at it that way Brook!! I was half way done and failed nursing school by 2 points and I have to start from the beginning again. I have to look into a different program. I do have a passion to do this because I love that there are so many opportunites out there and I dont want to just settle for NAll that I have. Not sure where to go now though.

I am in my last semester and I am failing med surg III. Because of the curriculum change I will have to take med surg II in spring and then med surg III in the fall. I feel very depressed and sad. I don't know what to do. My family is great, very supportive, even my kids. But, still... I am ashamed and just thinking that my fellow classmates will graduate soon and I will not, makes me very upset. I am thinking about giving up, but my husband wont even hear that. Please help me, I need some supportive words, some encouragement. God bless

I am also a student with a decent average, who was failed for clinical for all the wrong reasons. I dont even know how the woman still has a job after the crap she put me through. she was mentally abusive, rude, and inconsiderate to your feelings. I am trying to appeal my failed clinical grade to try to atleast go back to school next semester and repeat nursing 3 (2nd year, med surg). i was really hoping on graudating in may, but now, thats not going to happen.

i have taken the year to gain my cna, acls, and iv certifications. i held my head up and attended my friends pinning, graduation ceremony and parties. you have to reflect when this happens to you and be peaceful in the knowledge that we do not always understand what is happening in our lives, but it's happening for a reason. perhaps it will not be clear for years to come. i also firmly believe that you must never let "1 person" derail your dream. know in your heart that you are meant to be in this chosen profession. when i took my state board for cna the last state examiner said to me "you are going to be a wonderful nurse" i told her i had a horrendous experience in my mcaiii clinical. she was so kind and said that unfortunately there are a few nurses like this in the profession who make it their goal to crush the spirits of nursing students because it feeds their ego. she said to keep persevering and learn from those golden nurses who do love to teach and who have not forgotten that they too were once a nursing student.

i do feel quite sad that the new batch of students who i have reentered the program with will go innocently into this clinical rotation with this icu clinical instructor to only be chewed up and spit out. i wish i had the power to derail this but i can't. i can only be there for these follow students and pray that they make it through this set of classes. i swear, god willing if i am ever in a position to stop someone like this from hurting another student i will. to all those other students out there, do not give up, dust off your nursing shoes and go back after your dream! study hard, do everything in your power to succeed and know that it is not 1 person's opinion that will determine your future. you have the power to make it happen, you have to keep the faith, believe and take another leap of faith that all will work out in the end. that you will come out the other end that much stronger a nurse because you had to try twice as hard to earn that rn. god bless and know there are others out there going through exactly what you are now. it gets better, you will graduate, and they will call you …. nurse.

I have failed in school in college ten thousand times. First class was my english i have failed 2 times because english is my second language. On the third attempt , i passed. Then i went to four year nursing school, i failed 2 subjects. i am a person who works hard but i didn't knw how to answer the nursing school questions . i retook it again and i failed by 1 point. I was kicked out of nursing school. i was depressed crying then i was going to another state for nursing. i have to travel 4 hrs daily to start nursing in another school. by the time i come home ,i am tired. after a year i finished lpn school but i failed exit exam first time. now i m retaking it again to graduate out of the program. i am young .there are times my mind is depressed out of the world because i know i m going to be a great nurse. after i pass this exam i m on my way to nclex. don't ever take failures into heart. ex. michael jordan failed 300 times, famous scienist einstein was kicked out of school he had reading problems but now he is consdered as the biggest scientist. as a young person myself, i know i have failed in school life alot. but i m never going to quit myself as a nurse. it is my passion.

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