Published May 8, 2011
425 Posts
In one week I will have the Summer off from school. Have hired on as an LPN and am real excited to get some experience and make a few $$ to pay some bills! I have one semester to go and graduate in December.
I am interested in your study techniques, diagrams or whatever works for you! Aside from a couple personal issues something has changed...I started out on my journey with all 4.0's in the pre req's, then RN school has regressed from 94% to 83% presently over the course of a couple years. Sure I am passing and am OVER the whole 4.0 mentality as I do want to live while I am in the process. BUT the downward trend has to STOP HERE! Of course I am burned out and have come to hate school, and I am one who has LOVED the whole experience more than most, until now. The Summer off from school will certainly help. I have one more semester to go...any tactics that you share would be wonderful!! Good luck to all of us!!
27 Posts
First off, buying an NCLEX book early is the best thing I ever did. I'm not sure how your program will work, but our tests have questions very similar to how the NCLEX questions are worded. Sometimes all of the answers are kinda correct, but you have to pick which is the most correct.
You will need a larger size organizer to be able to write everything down. Almost every single one of the students in my nursing class had a planner the size of a normal notebook. Staying organized is honestly the best thing you can do.
As much as it stinks, reading the material before you go to class will really help you understand what the teacher is talking about which makes it easier to take notes since the info is kinda familiar.
I've found a study method that really works for me. I take notes in class on paper, and I highlight in the book what the teacher talks about (in my program they teach from the book and verbally add to what the books says). Then that night or the next day I type up in word my in class notes and add the info from the book into the outline. This makes studying way easier when you use over five books for info! Also, it makes studying for comprehensive finals super easy because you already have all the info. However, for pharm I use flashcards that are already connected together with a spiral, like a notebook, so I can carry them with me and review them as often as possible.