Youngstown State University

U.S.A. Ohio


Hi, I am a western PA resident who's probably going to attend YSU this fall (I registered for classes today and unless I find out that I'm in for one of two diploma programs I applied to for this fall - which I doubt - then I will be going there for pre-nursing.) I've done some searching around this site and haven't been able to find much about their program, how good it is, what the graduation and NCLEX pass rates are, etc. Can anyone help me out? Also, I'd love to hear from anyone else who is/will be attending :wink2:

I tried looking them up on PA's BON but I didn't see them on the NCLEX pass rates.... hmm makes me worried :/

Also they're not on the board approved school list... ahh :(

That's cause it's in Ohio ;) I did find the stats recently, and it was pretty good. And in case you are interested, the website is

That's cause it's in Ohio ;) I did find the stats recently, and it was pretty good. And in case you are interested, the website is

For some reason I thought it was in PA! WOOOOOOOOW I feel so dumb now. ;)

LOL haha, well I did mention I was in western PA, so that's probably why.

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