Published Nov 25, 2014
19 Posts
Today I went to York county school of technology to complete the NLN PAX-PN exam. I scored a 132 which was a complete shock! I had my interview with the director immediately after (I was told it was because my scores were "high"). She explained to me that the January class was full but my scores placed me as the first or second alternate. I'm SURE someone will have to drop the class and I'll be right in that spot. I'm so excited. I've spent so much time debating about RN or LPN and pre-reqs and all that mess. I could have been done with this but water under the bridge now. LPN-RN-BSN-MSN HERE I COME!!
318 Posts
I strongly suggest that you consider driving across the river to Lancaster County Career and Technical Center or looking into the LPN program at HACC. HACC is MUCH cheaper than Vo-Tech. LCCTC is dedicated to turning students into nurses - not into finding reasons to weed out students. The smarter you are, the more trouble you will have completing the program at Vo-Tech. The longer drive to LCCTC is worth it. You might even be able to get started right away.
Did you go to Vo tech? Thanks for the advice but this is what I have learned about HACC. They are a very unorganized community college system. The brick and mortar of all brick and mortar schools. They are way behind in the use of technology and their schedules aren't very flexible. HACC's plan for education is loooong and drawn out. A 1yr program becomes 2 or 3 and a 2yr grogram becomes 6. I completed a good portion of a practical nursing program in NC and unfortunately I was unable to transfer my credits. So here is my new start. I don't have any children, I don't have to work fulltime, and I don't have to take out any loans. The course work is challenging of course. There is a new director there so maybe whatever was wrong before is in the process of change. I'm optimistic.
Replied by PM.
PS - HACC has been very good to me. Not everyone will say that. It takes a long time to get through the program and there are many hoops to jump through. They are strict. In hind site I can see a path through the system that would have been much shorter than the path I took, but I have no complaints. It was worth it.
The thing I really like about HACC is getting exposure to many different healthcare facilities during clinical rotations. It has given me a much better idea of what is out there in the working world and helped me decide where I definitely do not want to work.
HACC isn't behind the times as far as the current standard of care is concerned. They teach what is actually being done right now in hospitals. Some of the stuff I "Learned" at Vo-Tech (mostly I learned the kind of nurse I do not want to be) was way out of date.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,567 Posts
Good day, Dream2Reality:
First, congratulations on your exam. LCCTC and HACC both have very good reputations in the area. I picked HACC because they are extremely well organized, have virtual classes as well as online (mainly for prerequisites), and offer such flexibility in scheduling that I was able to complete all of my prerequisites for their RN program in one year.
HACC is an accredited institution, and if the "from" institution is not fully accredited, then credits are often not accepted. While repeating anything is yucky, whatever you come out with HACC can be transferred to other accredited institutions. HACC also has transfer agreements already in place for a number of universities allowing for dual enrolment if you are going for your BSN/MSN.
Thank you.
22 Posts
Looks like I'm in the same boat! I got the same score and also on the alternate list for January. Good luck to you, I'm hoping a few dropout too! :)
Also, we have similar goals. I would like to complete my MSN as well.