Published Nov 28, 2009
54 Posts
Hi everyone!
This is my first time using this website and it looks really cool!
I am currently a first year student at De Anza college...and to be honest...its not that great. I couldn't get the classes that I wanted this qrt because they were all full. Now, registration for the winter qrt has only been up for 3 days and already all of the science classes are full! I want to become a nurse, obviously...but I don't think that I will be able to finish all of the pre-requisites by next fall. I have to take 3 Anatomy and Physiology classes, 1 microbio, 2 chemistry, 2 english, and a math class. With all of the budget cuts that are going on right now, our school is about to cut many classes and the enrollment is already going up! Its probably going to take me 3 years to transfer because even though I will finish my Pre-requistes in a yr and a half...I still wont be able to apply in the fall 2010 cuz i wont have all of my classes done! I know in general it takes science majors 3 years to tansfer... but with the budget crisis i think thats going to be the case for everyone...
Is anyone in the same situation as me? How long will it take you?
Also, what kind of GPA will i need to have in order to have a good chance to be accepted into CSUEB, SFSU, and SJSU??
Thanks!!!i would greatly appreciate this!
225 Posts
If you have to take classes at more than one school, go for it. I am taking my pre-reqs at College of Marin, and a lot of people in my classes (myself included) have had to go to several different community colleges in order to finish our pre-reqs quickly. If you don't have to work, you could always take a science class in the summer, too.
Regarding GPA, keep it is high as possible. Nursing school has gotten so competitive so anything you can do to strengthen your application would be helpful. Good luck to you!
23 Posts
I'm a new admit to the SJSU nursing program, and the undergrad coordinator told us at advising (when many of us were just starting our prereqs) that "You need a lot of A's, and very few B's." You need a minimum GPA of 3.0 to even submit your application, but I imagine that you're probably looking for a GPA of 3.3+ to be competitive. The school is heavily impacted so they make you jump through all sorts of hoops, but it's possible, I promise! They let me in, didn't they?
The junior colleges in the area (as you found out ) are heavily slammed, so I second what mfrancisco said. Go to multiple schools if possible, and try to snag online classes for some of the GE requirements. For the sciences classes that are full, try crashing them for the first few weeks! There are always at least a few people that drop and if you're persistent and keep showing up, there's a good chance that that spot could be yours. That's how I ended up being the only freshman added to physiology, haha.
Don't be afraid of it taking a while to get all the prereqs done -- it's better to take a few at a time and get good grades in those, then take all your sciences at once and do badly. I know it's kind of a scary situation for you right now, but hang in there and remember that it's one step at a time. You can do it!
Walden-Puddle, RN
46 Posts the other poster said.....if you want any hope at all of speeding things up you're gonna have to spread things out at multiple schools...and that means REALLY being on top of things for registration. Everything having to do with nursing is being impacted, so often times you have to register in the first few MINUTES or the class will fill up.. seems like just getting INTO nursing school is a full time occupation nowadays!
Don't overlook Carbrillo in Santa Cruz as well asall the other schools around.
ALSO.....ONLINE classes can be a good way to get some of the other classes in as well. I took classes at 4-5 different schools in order to get my pre-reqs done (one year) But it was a lot of time examining everyone's schedules and making it work out. I split up some of the responsibilities with friends to make the whole process more manageable.
Don't give up!!! It's fully worth it. I'm almost done with nursing school at this point (6 more months...) and LOVING it!!
Awwww thanks everyone for your support and suggestions :loveya:... You guys are right...its better for me to get A's in all of my pre requisites than to take everything at once and do poorly in them! But im afraid to go to other colleges because there i will be considered a new student and will be given the worst registration date possible! ... but i will keep at it and work hard!
I also have another you guys think that the csu's will be admitting students for the spring semester of 2012...because i think thats probably when i will transfer.
HelloRose, if you dont mind me asking...what was ur GPA when u got accepted into SJSU...also what were ur TEAS score? Do you like the program at SJSU? and i also heard that they're only accepting ppl from the santa clara county? is that true?
Thank again everyone!
100 Posts
I am not sure how old you are but some schools have a "college reentry program" that allows you to register before other students. I was able to register for A&P, Micro, Chem...ect before EVERYONE ELSE at West Valley College. Here is their link
378 Posts
I was told at CSUEB the other day that the average acceptance GPA for last year was 3.7. But she said that it depends on the pool that year. So just get as many A's as you can on your prereqs. It has gotten very competitive. I met with an advisor from SFSU when I was at my CC, I had only taken Anatomy at that point. She told me I would have to get ALL A's in the rest of my prereqs to be competitive:eek:. Good luck getting into those classes!
I also have to second what one of the previous posters said about spreading out the sciences and getting A's instead of piling them on and getting mediocre grades. I did take Anatomy and Chem in the spring and got A's in both classes, but it was the most difficult semester in my whole college career. Make sure you have nothing else going on. Also, even if you are a new student at other community colleges, you still may get lucky and be able to get into a class that you can't get into at De Anza. Good luck to you. Don't forget to check the ratings for the professors online to make sure you don't get a bad apple. It could make your life crazy!
Thanks again everyone. Oh, and i am 18 years old, i am going to turn 19 in december. Yea i think im going to take one science class at a time and make sure that i ace it, becuase i want to get all of my GE classes too so that when i get into nursing school i can just focus on that and not have to worry about the other classes i need to get my BSN. Also, i think if i get on the waiting list for the science class i will get in because my friend told me that many ppl drop the science classes in the first week because they realize just how hard they are. So i am pretty hopeful for that. So basically i need to get at least a 3.8....actually a 4.0 to be super competitive and get a high score on the teas test right?
I also wanted to ask if volunteer work helps? If i start to volunteer in a hospital, will that increase my chances of getting in? I am also fluent in another lanugage, Punjabi to be exact, so will that increase my chances also?
I know i ask a lot of questions, but thats y i came to this website because i cant find the answers anywhere else. Plus who else better to ask then someone who is a nurse or who is in nursing school right? :)
Congrats to you. You sound very motivated for your age. If this is your first time in college, make sure you get the highest GPA possible. Volunteer work definitely helps your application and so does your second language. Check the hospitals in your area. Go online and see if they have a volunteer section. Most hospitals have volunteer programs in place. Generally, you do four hours a week and have to complete at least 100 hours. It would also be a good place to network, build relationships, and get a letter of recommendation if the nursing school you apply to requires it. You will do great!
HelloRose, if you dont mind me asking...what was ur GPA when u got accepted into SJSU...also what were ur TEAS score? Do you like the program at SJSU? and i also heard that they're only accepting ppl from the santa clara county? is that true?Thank again everyone!
I was pretty much a straight A- student with a few A here and there. Since sjsu is impacted, they take three factors into account. 1) GPA of the 5? Prereqs (anatomy, physio, chem, english, and micro). 2) gpa of last 30 units 3) teas score. That way if you goof up in one area (a c in a prereq, for example) the other areas can make it up. My teas score was something like 84, but my gpa helped make me competative.
Sjsu school of nursing has a rolling admission schedule, so every fall and spring a new class is admitted. I'm not sure what admission to the university is like anymore since the university keeps placing new restrictions all the time, but if possible I would check the sjsu nursing website ( and check out the group advising dates. The undergrad coordinator will present all about admission requirements for the school and the university and it was pretty helpful for me. I'd say that more than half of my class of 70 were transfer students so they are very used to answering questions about transfers.
Thank You soo much! :)