41 years old about to enter Nursing School

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

In late August I will be taking my last class (Pharmacology) needed before entering nursing school. It has taken me forever to get here. I always wanted to be in the medical field but was to lazy and didn't really believe in myself as much. I went as far as to say I was not college material. I took a short cut and decided to be a Medical Assistant. I worked in that for a few years and left it for a job in the corporate world that paid more money. Being a single mother of two little boys I just wanted to afford them a better life. That career move did not last (thankfully). I was fired after two years. You cant imagine the sheer terror of not having a job and having to maintain a home and my sanity. I decided to give college a try. I told myself this is the only life I will get so I need to do what I really want, and so I enrolled in community college in 2010 and up till now been taking all the prerequisites for nursing. I see others that have gotten their Bachelors and I don't even have my Associates yet, but that wont get me down. I don't care how long it takes me as long as I become a nurse and get to fulfill my dream. Has anyone else experienced life in the process of becoming your dream? I would really appreciate if you would share.

How is everyone holding up?! I hope all is well!!!! Sending positive vibes to you all!!! XOXOXOXOOXOX

I'm 40 and am down to my last 3 pre-reqs before being able to apply. This has been such a long journey for me that I too felt like giving up. With kids and life and work, you name it, it has been hard but now that I am at this point I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. I appreciate you for posting this because I was feeling like maybe I was making the wrong decision to be starting over at my age but, I see that I am not alone and that is encouraging.

Just turned 40 in june, finished my prerequisite in oct.. In the process of studying for my teas.. Just landed a job in a long-term care facility as a lpn and resigned from a 17 yr career in banking. Yes, it has been a long journey and has its challenges. I also see the light at the end of the tunnel.. :)

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