Yahoo medical groups and HIPAA



I was wondering if anyone can help me answer this question. On medical groups on yahoo, does HIPPA ever come into play? Sorry did not know where to submit my question.

Thank you,


Specializes in US Army.

HIPAA is a federal requirement, so it applies everywhere.

In example, I'm an OR nurse so can tell you surgical details about a bad femur fracture I assisted with, but I have to let the patient and their personal info be 100% anonymous. If I give you enough to ID that patient-I have violated the law in a BIG way.

Another example- if you ask questions about a fellow friend, or one of your relatives who is a patient at my hospital- I cannot give you any information, NONE. I don't care if I have been your best friend since the third grade, I can not tell you about your ex-husband's medical info or condition.

However, as a patient, if I want to post my name and personal medical details on the web, I can. And you can post about your whole family's medical issues, as long as you do not have access to this info as part of your job.

Long story short, to determine if the Yahoo groups are violating the HIPAA Act, you first have to determine who is posting what info...

I've got all kinds of stories I have been tempted to share on this forum and others; but I am always too paranoid that even just someone figuring out what town I work in, etc would be too much info for them to potentially find out who I am talking about, etc. I have been told that "stories are fine as long as you change the names", but I always try to play it safe! It would be a nightmare to put my job (which I love) in jeopardy simply to relay a story...I'm probably being overcautious but I'd rather err on the side of caution....

I've got all kinds of stories I have been tempted to share on this forum and others; but I am always too paranoid that even just someone figuring out what town I work in, etc would be too much info for them to potentially find out who I am talking about, etc. I have been told that "stories are fine as long as you change the names", but I always try to play it safe! It would be a nightmare to put my job (which I love) in jeopardy simply to relay a story...I'm probably being overcautious but I'd rather err on the side of caution....

I agree fully. It's not worth the chance of losing my license, or causing harm to the Pt and family.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I work in a pediatrician's office and would never say who comes to our practice. I meet parents while shopping with friends and wouldn't say how I know them. I know other doc. offices where the emplyees are not careful about HIPPA and would say things like, " oh your brother was here yesterday and was given a Z-pack." (in front of others) Although I am a sibling, acc. to HIPPA they have no right to relay medical info. even if they feel it's nothing private. In my office we have EMR and get to see everything about our patients, yet would NEVER let anyone know. Wtvr, it just gets me mad!!!

To all the wonderful people here in this group that answered my question,

Thank You all from the bottom of my heart. You are all wonderful and doing a very hard job, a huge kudo's. Thank You, doesn't seem enough for all that you do for the rest of us.

Have a wonderful week. Stay blessed. You are all Angles that are Heaven sent, never forget that.:up:

Thank You all,

Wondering 501

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