Wow, that took a while


We had a series of orientation modules we had to do for our one clinical site. 4 modules for the med pass software, and 4 for the charting software (both of which I naively thought was one module each), fire safety,nhazmat, HIPAA, corporate compliance each had their own module as well. I had a few done, but misorganized I guess, since I spent all my time focusing on reading and lab modules instead of this. Well, it's due tomorrow and wouldn't you know my goddaughter is in the hospital with pre-e symptoms (negative test results thankfully) and a fetal hear rate that keeps plummeting. She has been texting me all night and I have been on standby because she wanted me there in labor. Needless to say, these modules have taken me longer than they should and my niece has stopped texting me, which means, I hope they have stopped ignoring things and that my great nephew is here. If she goes by c section like they kept saying "maybe tomorrow we will do a c section" I won't be there. And I'm hoping with his HR that maybe tomorrow turned into let's do this now.BUT, I got them all done. I did my med pass modules for lab tomorrow and I think I'll go to the hospital tomorrow to see my new baby. In other news, my cousin just gave birth tonight too. I've had plenty to distract me to procrastination, but I got it done anyway. Now it's off to bed for me. Shwoo!

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