Specialties Emergency
Published Mar 28, 2007
3,905 Posts
I live in California where patient ratios are set by law and, in the ER, it's 4:1. But when I was in this facility the other day, their typical ratios were 3:1. It really blew me away that they were actually going below what the law requires because I've rarely seen that before.
At first I didn't believe it but, when I checked the board, there it was: all of the nurses had three patients except for one nurse who had four of the most stable patients. The next day I checked to make sure it wasn't a fluke and, again, the same thing: 3-1 for all of the nurses except one.
I guess there is management out there that does want to keep their nurses happy. I don't know about you guys, but I was really impressed. Wow.
75 Posts
what?????? where in Cailfornia is this? I want to apply:idea:
jojotoo, RN
494 Posts
Yeah, don't keep this a secret - I want to apply too!
179 Posts
That is great! It is good to see a positive post for a change. I like to see the good and the bad. Thanks for letting us know!
278 Posts
I wish that ED would use their model in a study to show the positive outcomes of having a lower pt ratio.
Wouldn't it be great if it proved that the hospital could actually save money by having the lower ratio? Less nurse turnover, less money spent on traveling nurses, less recruiting costs, signing bonuses, etc. Not to mention the nurses would have more time to spend with each pt - more comprehensive pt teaching, better discharge instructions - fewer repeat visits to the ED (especially for those pts without insurance). More time to catch a pt's changing condition and intervene sooner. Fewer mistakes made, fewer lawsuits.
If they could quantify the savings, that would speak the language that administrators want to hear. Administrators could care less about the quality of an employee's experience, but if it makes them more money, they're all over it!
276 Posts
This is what our ED does in KCMO. The only nurses who have more than three patients are those that go to our clinic side and then they can have four or five, but the clinic side sees the sore throats, migraines, etc. It's not suppose to have the big work ups (but occassionally it does)
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
That facility probably has happy patients too. What better way to have awesome press-gainey scores than taking care of patients properly with adequate staffing.
30 Posts
What hospital do you work at?? I haven't heard of that around here.