Published Mar 6, 2016
1 Post
I have a question about a wound packing that I have to perform tomorrow in clinical. I was hoping to get some advice before going into the scenario.
My patient has 4 separate wounds on their abdomen that all require packing. I have performed wound packing before so am familiar with the procedure and the sterile technique. I am curious however if I can do all the wounds simultaneously. Or if I have to perform start to end for each one separately so a new sterile set for each wound?
Thank you
40 Posts
Are they all connected via the same tracts or separate wounds? For example if one is a large wound that has a fistula and GI contents in it and another is not connected I might dress them differently. But if they're all really part of the same large wound then I'd prepare my supplies, pack them all, and dress them all at the same time.