Published Jul 11, 2008
19 Posts
hello to all you or nurses out there,
i've been an rn on a med surg floor for 3 years and will be starting an internship in the or on july 14th. i'm so excited. i had someone recommend a book to me and wanted to get someone elses opinion on it before buying it b/c it is quite pricey. the book is
"pocket guide to the operating room" by maxine a. goldman.
i was just wondering if anyone here has used it, or know anyone that has used it and found it helpful. i would really like to get more than one opinion on this book before buying it.
please let me know what you think!!!
TakeTwoAspirin, MSN, RN, APRN
1,018 Posts
A very nice little book that will get you through many of the surgeries you will see. However, it is not the definitive guide for circulators, for that you will absolutely need Alexander's.
Of course, you probably can't carry Alexander's around with you while you work, so the pocket guide is great for a quick reference that you can keep on hand.
3 Posts
You might look for a Book authored by Barry and Kohn which I purchased years ago while doing my OR tech program. Alexanders is the Bible and hopefully your orientation will include AORN OR 101.
Good Luck and don't take things personally- the OR can be a little rough around the edges.