Published Feb 20, 2008
48 Posts
Well, I know that this is petty in the big scheme of things, but sometimes you just have to vent, ya know? I don't say a word about it at work, as its not something to stir up trouble about, however.. it bothers me sometimes. So, here goes, in scenerio form first:
I work at a LTC facility, that is split into 4 wings (A,B,C,D). There are 2 nurses on duty @ all times.. one that is assigned to A and D. and one that is assigned to B and C. Some nurses work one side, all of the time.. wouldn't even have a clue what to do on the other assignment, even after a year or more of working there. I, however.. work both sides.
It's supposed to be common courtesy, that if you work 3 days in a row, and you worked B and C hall on your first day, that the next two days, that is your assignment, and vice versa with any other nurse. If I'm coming on in the middle of someone elses 3 days, I don't say "HEY, I work B and C all the time, so you can just switch assignments, even though you would know whats better on that side because you've had it most recently."
Now, I find the advantage of working both sides.. I know everything I can at this moment, about every one of the residents. I can answer more questions about any of the residents, if needed.. and I'm not lost on either side (no more than my usual feeling of imcompentence, as a new nurse). So, anyway my point is that I'm tired of getting kicked from one side to another, on a daily basis, simply because these other nurses "Prefer" one side to another.. it's just not fair. But, w/e .. I will live and its better for me as a new nurse anyways, I suppose.. however risky and stressful.
Second, there is one particular nurse that I work after that constantly loads on me. She never gets her own work done, therefor I have to finish it. I don't mind helping people out occasionally, but on a daily basis, it becomes too much. I run around enough like my head's cut off, I don't need anyone elses work either. She always leaves my med cart a mess. The G-tube residents bottles are always empty or close to it. I had the idea to do a check, but she is in such a hurry, and she is so close with the DON that it wouldn't even matter. She's not obligated to give a damn (excuse my language) about the nurse coming on after her, because its been complained about before.. and nothing is done. The same thing they say is.. take it with a grain.. well thats fine and I do at work, but I vent here! ha!
Anyways, thanks for listening. I feel better now and curious as to if any of you have any similar situations! Share plz..
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
I see your frustration! I tried to pick up some extra shifts at a place like that over the summer. Since I was prn...I did float around. (I get that) But what bothered me was that they had other prns that seemed to be able to stay on one or two units. What killed me was that the work load was very uneven.
Dealing with the med cart...this has happend a few times. What I've said to the nurse when we walked over to count narcs...I said "Gee..I will wait till you are done cleaning your cart" Walk away and do something while you wait for her to clean it up. Do this a few times and they get the idea.
Leaving tube feeds run shift you work with her...I mention it casually. "Gee...Mr xyz's bottle ran dry. I'm surprised Nancy, CNA didn't mention that to you or you didn't hear the beeping..I reset the pump volume so that we can hear the alarms"
yeah...might not be the direct way, but it has worked for me. Might be the way to go at first. Are there other nurses that run into these problems? Maybe they will back you up?