Work schedule?


Hello all. Eventually headed for my RN but thinking of getting an LVN and relocating. I won't be picky about the work (ie, nursing home and clinics are fine).

Wondering though....What are shifts like? Can you find 12 hour ones like RNs in a hospital setting or is it strict 8 hours, 5 days a week type thing.

Thanks for any advice!

Where are you relocating to?

Most facilities are running 8 hour stints in my area, AZ. However, it's not hard to find 12 hour, or Double Weekend/Baylor shifts either. Most 12 hour shifts I've encountered though are at LTAC facilities as opposed to LTC or Clinic work. Best to be prepared.

I work inpatient hospice in Pittsburgh. I do 12 hour shifts. Most nursing homes do 8. I did clinicals at an LTAC and 12 did 12s.

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

What are shifts like? I dont even know to answer that question.

Too much to go into.

Even in the hospital, some depts do 8s. Beyond this everyone works 12's. In LTC, theres more variance. 8's, 16's. If you work staffing, it can vary even more.

I do doubles on weekends. Im primarily geripsych.

Best thing about nursing? The flexible hours.Yet, most nurses fight for 7-3. Blechh. If you like odd shifts, youll be safe.

At work, theyre like, "How can you work on your weekends?" Im like, "I get 5 days off."

They don't get it. "But...theres nothing to do during the week!"


Sure there is: SLEEP. Shop. Get a hobby. Get another job. Go to school. Go on vacation. Go to the gym. Go grocery shopping. Yknow - im always surprised when I go to the gym or grocery store and see people there. HEB always has a crowd. Doesnt matter when you go. "What th-- why are people in here? Yall aint got nothin' productive to tend to? Get a job, deadbeat!" Then, I remember....LOL).

You will find creative ways to ways to waste time. I'm a world class piddler. Technology just makes it worse.

I can go to PINTEREST doing absolutely nothing and walk away feeling curiously accomplished...5 hours later. When Grand Theft Auto 5 came out, I did nothin but play xbox.

What sorta Jedi mind trick voodoo would have a person wanting to work 5 days and resting for 2 over 2 days and resting for 5?

I am an lpn and I work Monday-Friday 3pm-9pm, but since I am expected to complete everything I would on a 3-11p shift, I haven't gotten out on time yet haha.

Are weekend double shifts hard to come by?

Are weekend double shifts hard to come by?

They are not common anymore in my neck of the woods. I've known a few nurses who do them. But it's usually a special arrangement with management/admin because they are actively going to school for a degree upgrade.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Are weekend double shifts hard to come by?
They were common in the area where I live up until 2009. Once the economic meltdown struck, many facilities in my city got rid of the weekend double scheduling.

Some local facilities still offer weekend double shifts, but they no longer offer 40 hours of pay or full-time benefits for accepting this scheduling arrangement.

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