who didn't work while going through EC program?


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

Just wondered if anyone didn't work while doing this program? I was just offered a job today that would be WAY less stressful than my current position AND less hours. My husband and I can swing that for 6-9 months if I use that time to study my butt off and get through these exams. I was just wondering if anyone on here didnt work and if not, how quickly were you able to get through the exams?

I will have my 2yr old all day, my 4yr old will be in half day pre-K, and my 5yr old will be in all day kindergarten. this new job offer id only have to work tue and thur evenings from 5p to 9p and can pick up mondays 9a to 4p if i choose to or need to for more money. (i teach C.N.A classes btw and it's for a prn teaching job) This would realistically give me 4-5 hrs per day to study. Instead of an hour or two that I have now.

Any thoughts??

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

It sounds great! Congrats on the job offer. :) I worked in the ER and continued to volunteer as a medic while I was in school, so I don't have much else to offer on the subject of not working. :D

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I did not work at all. Enrolled Sept. 21, passes all nursing exams + 6 gen. ed. tests (Micro, A&P, ethics, sociology, Information literacy, human growth) by the end of November, passes FCCA Dec.1st, passes CPNE Jan.11th. Last test - english passed on Jan.23rd. So, 4 month from start to finish. Well, actually, 5.5 month - I passed NCLEX March 3rd, then I had to transfer my RN to FL.

But- I didn't have any wait for CPNE - I put myself on a cancellation list and got a date right away. It doesn't happen very often. The usual waiting period is from 3-8 month, depending on the site. Most people need this time to prepare for the CPNE.

There is another people who finished fast - BostonNurse, and agldragon (he finished his nursing exams in a record time, then slowed down a bit for the CPNE :) )

I'd suggest you download the first study guide (health safety) and see how long would it take for you to prepare, so you can estimate the time you need for all the tests. (btw, if you're an LPN, you don't have to pass a second one - health differences)

Good Luck!

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

thanks for the info!

I have already taken H&S it took me 3wks studying (but i worked full time m-f) and got an A...i am an LPN so i did receive credit for the second test. I'm working on A&P now. I'm thinking i will take some time off of full time employment so that i can focus on all these exams and knock them out. I have micro, info lit, a&P, humanities, and lifespan development, then of course the nursing ones other than H&S and the second one.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Just another 2 cents - you probably already know, but just in case :) Do info lit through Penn Foster - it usually takes 2 hours for people to get an A :)

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

lol yeah i wanted to do that through Penn it seems MUCH cheaper and easier!!!

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