Words of wisdom for starting a new career in nursing?


Hi everyone,

My first path has been in anthropology and forensics, but I am now hoping to transition into nursing. I went to my first nursing school meeting yesterday where they discuss admissions, prerequisites, program options, etc. and I am feeling very overwhelmed! I first thought I would try to do an AS but now a BSN seems like the better option. I know the best thing I can do is to start taking my prereqs and take one step at a time, but when I think about the entire process as a whole it can feel very daunting.

Do any of you have any words of wisdom about starting as a second career nurse, or the nursing school process in general? Thank you! :)

BSN is the way to go. Ofcourse you can do ADN and then do RN-BSN program. It all depends on what you think is right for you. I say BSN because you have more options then, and aren't as limited and can move up also.

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

I also agree with having the long term goal of BSN. More job options and it gets you one step ahead if you later decide to further your education. Apply to both ADN and BSN program though. In case you don't get accepted to the BSN you may get accepted to the ADN. you can always bridge RN-BSN after.

As far as how to make it less overwhelming. First, take a few days to let the info you learned at the meeting sink in. Then make a list of what needs to be completed before applying. Then start to plan how you will accomplish that. Don't go any further than what you need to apply. If you start to plan for after admission and the course itself and so on, it gets really daunting. Just stick with what is going to happen in the next 6mos-1yr. example would be

Register for college at desired campus

Speak with nursing advisor about previously completed credits

also talk make plan with advisor on order of pre req classes to take

Register for first semester classes

and so on.

Then after you complete each step, check it off and move on to the next. You can do this. Its a long road and there is a lot to do, but one thing at a time and study your but off in class and you will get there.

Agreed with everyone above. You can pursue ADN if you want to work a little bit sooner. Then do RN-BSN program online while working, and oftentimes, your employer will help you out funding your BSN. You can also achieve your masters online too.

Focus on prereqs, especially your core sciences. Most programs are highly competitive, so make sure you outshine your competitors. ;) Be resourceful and efficient with studying. If you don't understand a concept, youtube it or look online for a better explanation. Mnemonics is also helpful with classes like A&P where you have to memorize a lot. The nursing department will look at your GPA and your pre-entrance exam grade for admission into clinicals. There is no passing grade, but is based on how you did compared to everyone else. At least that's how my school did it. Good luck!

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your advice. :)

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your advice. :)

All of the bsn schools in my area are much pricier than tha ADN school. That was a major factor in my decision since I have a family, I will end up doing my BSN as soon as I get my license.

Emunah, that is my biggest issue actually! Our ADN is at a community college so it is significantly cheaper, while our BSNs in the area are only at private schools. I just thought it would be easier to try and go right for the BSN all at once, but finances are definitely an issue! It's a shame they cancelled the one good BSN feeder school that was at a community college in the area...

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