withdrew job application..but cant stop thinking about the area!


a while back I applied to a dialyisis clinic for a job. I ended up withdrawing my application but at the time was very sure I had a high chance of getting the job. I withdrew it for a few reasons and whilst i dont regret it, i cant stop thinking about getting into this area.

Well to cut a long story short, I am hoping to work where i am (agency and non nursing, but medical) for another 12 months then look at appying for a dialysis job at one of the bigger hospitals here. (I am not in america) They are advertising now and I am always looking at nursing jobs yet am okay at what I am doing at the moment but I know after a few years of this I will be looking for something new.

Am I leaving it too long? I just feel like I need this break from nursing by working as I am. I have a few things I want to accomplish, one being a long holiday before I start something new.

I have been a nurse for 20 years and my non nursing job is labortaory work and phlebotomy so the techinical aspect is there. I will be putting it on my resume/cv

Specializes in Registered Nurse.

I worked dialysis and your phebotomy and medical background will certainly help in the future. I think it's good to wait. You should be ready to take on a new challenge when you decide to make a move. I don't believe you are waiting to long.

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