Wires on the floor - AHHHH!


Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, ED, Psych.

I have huge problem with my coworkers leaving wires from different machines on the floor. For example, Sequential Compression Device (SCD's [Thrombogaurds]) attached at the end of the bed and wires all over the floor nearly tripped me and a visitor last night. THIS IS A BIG SAFETY ISSUE. What if a patient, employee, or visitor falls?

My solution - put wires thru the bottom "Hook" in the bed which is off the floor and then put in through the bedrail....its off the floor. The prevents any potential falls or injury and in addition it allows staff to move the bed without having to fumble with the long wires on the floor

Specializes in L&D.

So, share your suggestions to fix the problem!

It sounds like you have an idea that works!

Discuss at staff meeting?

Rule that all plugs have to go under bed to headwall outlets?

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I love it when people come up with workable solutions to common problems. Thanks for sharing.

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg.

This might be an OSHA issue anyways. Check with your "Health and Safety" or Maintanence personel.

Specializes in Tele, Acute.

I walk into rooms often with wires everywhere. SCDs, and even some of our mattresses have wires that can get pushed out onto the floor. I always try to fix the problem because if anyone is going to get caught up in it and fall, its gonna be me, Grace (not my real name).

Seriously, this is a big safety issue. I work in an LTAC and we have a lot of bedside equip. Some pts have the O2 extentions etc. Even the phone has a long cord. Honestly, how do some of these nurses work with things so tangled up. Sometimes it takes me an hour to do my first rounds. I can't stand to work at a bedside with everything all tangled up.

Sometimes, hell most of the time ,the I tubing that is connected to the pt is all tangled up. No wonder pts are pulling PIV's and CL's out while turning over in bed. UGH!

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Our 3-11 supervisor tripped on a phone cord. Landed on her face and got 2 HUGE black eyes. Stupid DON didn't even ask how she was???:sniff:

I would have gone home and stayed home for 2 or 3 days at least. Just goes to show, some places really don't give a damn.....:banghead:

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