Will I get accepted to Tri-C with 10 year old marijuana ticket?


Hi...I just turned in my BCI to Tri-C & am waiting for the application. I am starting to worry about my so-called "criminal record." When I was 18, I got a $50 marijuana ticket. This will have been 10 years ago on 4.26.12. In 2004 and 2006, I also got 2nd degree misdemeanor obstruction of justice charges for which I plead no contest. In both cases, I was given a $150 fine, 10 day suspended sentence & inactive probation. As far as traffic tickets, I've never had a ticket over $300 (or near that). I've checked with Tri-C and the nursing board & they won't say anything except they judge everything on a case by case basis.

I am worried because of the marijuana charge. I've read on the nursing board's website what can preclude you & it includes any drug charge, but they say they will consider age at the time, how much time has elapsed, etc. They did not list anything related to the other charges I have as being a preclusion.

I am somewhat relieved in that I worked at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation from 2007-2008 and my past did not preclude me then. (I worked in a clerical position in radiology). Since it seems like most places exclude people mostly because they won't be accepted at clinical sites & I've already worked in one of the best hospitals in the country (and one of Tri-c's clinical sites)...should I take that as a good sign?

Anyone been admitted or rejected to Tri-C in similar circumstances or has anyone gone to nursing school & taken the NCLEX in Ohio with similar background? Any info is helpful! Thanks!

Specializes in Med surg/ geriatrics/ psych/ management.

Hello, I too am have applied for the RN program at tri-c. I am waiting to hear wether or not I will be accepted. I currently work as an LPN and I have a misdemeanor attempted drug possesion. Im so scared. I hope and pray that we both get in!

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