Published Dec 7, 2015
1 Post
Hello all,
So I am in my junior year of nursing school and am a member of Navy ROTC. My original plan was to be a nurse in the Navy upon graduation.
However I have recently found out I will most likely end up as an officer on a ship, submarine, or a flight officer etc. This is totally ok with me as I understand I am here for the needs of the Navy, and I am excited about the opportunities this path will give me.
So say after my 5 year commitment to the Navy I decide I want to get out and get back into nursing, what will I have to do? Will it even be possible? I mean I will have my degree but I would have no experience in a field I got my degree in 5 years previous.
I am just wondering if anyone knows how this would work.
14,633 Posts
Well, if you spent five years after graduation doing something other than nursing, at the v. least, you would not be an attractive candidate for nursing jobs. You would be what is often referred to as an "old new grad" (someone who has been out of school for a while but doesn't have any nursing experience). Some employers would consider your military service a plus, I'm sure. There are nursing "refresher courses" (didactic plus a clinical component) for those who have been out of the field for a while and want to return. I would encourage you to go ahead and take the NCLEX after you graduate, and at least get a license, while all the info is still fresh in your mind. I hate to think about trying to prepare for the NCLEX after being out of school, and nursing in general, for that long, and refresher courses require you to be licensed.
Best wishes for your journey!