Will being a home health nurse hurt my chances of getting hired into a hospital?

Nurses Career Support


Dear Nurse Beth,

I have been a nurse since January 2015. When I first graduated, I was accepted into a vascular thoracic ICU program and thought this was my dream position as I had future hopes of becoming a CRNA.

Well, this position proved to be one of the worst experiences of my life. Not only was I a brand new nurse, but to be in such a highly stressful area caused me anxiety like I had never experienced before. I lasted less than 6 months.

Shortly after, I was hired by a home health agency and I've been doing pediatric home health since July 2015. I love the one-to-one ratio and the low stress.

My question is: am I severely hurting my chances of ever being hired into a hospital if I continue putting all of my focus on home health? I still have dreams of becoming a CRNA, but just the thought of going back to work in a hospital causes me great worry and anxiety.

Also, I'm a 35-year old, single mom to 4 kids so quality of life plays a big part in any job I choose.

Thanks for your advice,

Home Health Mom

Will going back to the hospital setting negatively affect you and your family? Take a long look at why you want to be a CRNA. Are the years as an RN in the ICU and then in school worth it? If it is, I'd say you should start thinking about how to transition back into the hospital. With a two year gap and a less than six month stint, it may be a challenge.

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