Published Aug 7, 2012
14 Posts
Hi everyone,
i am a qualified nurse and am just about to start back on a general ward (medical / surgical). The thing is I just have 15 months of medical and surgical (some gynae) nursing experience and that was back in 2008. I then did some elderly care. Then i took a career break and travelled, for the past 2 years i trained as a peadiatric nurse, but i have decided to go back to adult nursing. Now i have a job as a medical and surgical nurse again? will i be able for it?Im really nervous that I will have forgotten how a medical and surgical ward works! i remeber it was chaos where i worked before!
Orca, ADN, ASN, RN
2,066 Posts
My mother took several years off during her career when my sister and I were very young, then she returned to hospital nursing. She said that the hardest part was the changes in medications during the time she was gone, and she had to spend a lot of time in catch-up learning. It can be done. Also, be reasonable in what you expect of yourself. There will be a learning curve again, since you have been away for a while. It won't be as steep as it was when you finished school, because of your prior hands-on experience.
thamk you, you have reassured me quite a bit . thanks so much :)
Nurse ABC
437 Posts
I'm doing it now. I've been out of the hospital for almost 20 yrs and have just started on a med-surg floor a month ago. It's doable and this time around I'm not quite as stressed. A lot has changed as far as computer charting but the basics remain the same. You'll be fine!
97 Posts
You'll surprise yourself at how quickly it all comes back to you.
I was out of the workplace for 17 years, and when I took a refresher course, did 96 hours of clinical. After the 3rd of 8 12-hour shifts, I felt like I could do the job again.
Computerized charting, the meds, a few things like IV pumps/tubings/needle systems are different, but assessment and disease processes remain the same.
Honestly, I feel that even though I may not be as current on the meds, my nursing judgements are better now than they were before. Life experience, organizational skills, prioritizing, and more are all better at 50 years old than when I was in my early 30's and last worked as an RN.
Thanks guys x