Why such a difference in pay????


Ok, so i posted about this job interview yesterday and how i needed to leave my current job during lunch, etc. Here's the link if you want to read it: Need Help Coming up with an Excuse!! - Nursing for Nurses

Well, my friend who is working as a tech there (only for a few weeks) is making $17/hr and will get paid $25/hr once her license is available. So, she assumed I would be paid the same too. Well, when I talked with the manager, she told me $18-$20 to start!!! What?? Why such a huge difference? AND it's only prn right now.. so averaging 32 hours a week.. you'd think they'd pay more. My friend is confused as to why there's such a difference and she's going to ask about her pay on thursday when she goes back to work (after her vacation). I didn't have much time to discuss money details b/c I had to come home and pump and go back to work... but I plan on calling her tomorrow to negotiate a bit and see where it gets me. Do you know why there would be such a difference in the offer?

btw, this is at an endoscopy center.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I didn't see anything in your posts indicating otherwise...but it could be that your friend may have something that you don't and that may explain the difference in pay. She might be bilingual, have certifications, have more relevant healthcare experience, have different degree, etc.

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