Published Nov 9, 2005
40 Posts
hey everyone! i created this thread last february and i am still interested in your answers as to why you are a nurse.
i am a freshmen nursing student at george mason university which i am thrilled about! i am soo excited to be a nurse and make a difference but i feel that sometimes nurses don't get enough credit for what they do. so i hope this lifts you up and makes you aware of how important and incredible you all are!
when i was in 6th grade i was burned with boiling water and hospitilized for quite a while. ms. malone, i'll never forget her, she was my favorite nurse, always there for me even if i wasn't her patient that day. [color=cyan]her kind heart and caring attitude really inspired me to become a nurse and as i like to say "save the world"!
everday nurses like you change people lives whether it be being there with a patient while they're afraid, giving an awesome shot to a 6 year old, or fighting with all you've got for the welfare of a patient and what you believe in, [color=lime]you make a difference!
i truly want to thank you, all of you, for being brave enough to care, and put yourself and your heart out there in order to make a difference! i can't wait until i am able to become a part of people's lives and make a difference.
"there are some who live for caring with all they have to give. there are some who will always be there. they dare to care, they dare to cry, they dare to feel, they dare to try, they dare to be at the end of the day, more than they were the day before. there are some who find their treasure inside a grateful smile, there are some who have comfort to share, there are some who take the journey just to find out who they are. there are some who have a courage to care, there are some who dare to care!"
~johnson & johnson, campaign for nursing's future
i have interned at a pediatric hospital and i know at times you may think, "why am i doing this?" but when that cloud comes over you think about the many lives that you have made better. by lending an ear, giving a smile, teaching, comforting, and saving! from the bottom of my heart, i thank and solute every single nurse for being who you are!
this is who i am! there is nothing i would rather be! i'm going to be a nurse!!!
[color=deepskyblue]stay strong! stay proud! stay bold! stay true! stay you! you do make a difference!
so my question is....why are you a nurse?
thanks again! ~brad future nurse
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