Who's taken the teas v?

Nursing Students TEAS


And what did you think? I took it last week and feel like I was prepared for the Math and Reading portions by using the study guide but I really struggled with the Science portion. For me it was a lot of Chemistry and it's been a while since I've taken that course. I met the minimum requirements in each category for my program but it's the first year they're using the TEAS V (Last year they used the NET) so I'm not really sure what a competitive score is yet. Anyway I know there are different entrance tests and versions of the TEAS everyone is taking so I was just wondering how people felt about version V.


The science portion was a lot of chemistry, know how to balance an equation, know what the mass#, atomic # etc of an element is. Be familiar with basic anatomy and physiology. Def know what a cell is compose of and the fxns of organelles. If you have recently taken you nursing prereq classes and did relatively well, you will be fine with the science portion. The only thing I felt was a bit unfair was that the test included physical science and physics which are not nursing prereq so I never took them :/. Good luck. Hope I helped

Michelle1985-- thank you that really helps.. I've heard so many different things about the science portion and it scares me. :/.... Was everything else pretty easy? The math?


The math I loved! I only got 1 wrong. Know your order of operations (PEMDAS), mixed #'s, know how to multiply and divide fractions. The ATI Study Manual is on point with what you need to know for the math section. The reason my score was lower than I hoped for was because of the English, grammar, sentence structure stuff. I have not taken a basic english class in over 5 years so I forgot all the rules. Definitely know noun, pronoun, adj, verb etc.

Michelle1985--your so awesome thank you.one last question on the teas guide it says that there is extra ungraded questions on the test..is that like an extra credit opportunity? Do you know anything about that?

Just took the Teas V today at Lafayette Ivy Tech. I scored an 86%. I was shocked that I did so well... during the whole test I was thinking that I was bombing the test!!

The study guide helps with Reading/English/Math... Science is nuts. MOST of the science questions I answered by process of elimination and a good ole' fashioned guess. I managed to score higher on science than English, I think this is due to the fact that after 3 hours my brain was fried!!

I used every second of the allotted time allowed for each section. I was planning on going back and checking all of my answers, but I ran out of time to do that. I did finish every question, just didn't have time to check every question.

I studied for about a month. I used the Teas V study manual and Chemistry for Dummies and Biology for Dummies.

Good luck to everyone!! Honestly, I thought the test was BRUTAL... put in the study time and do your best... That's all you can do. :)

Just took mine March 3. To re-post some great stuff from upthread, you can find information about the test structure here:http://lgdata.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docs/231/218011/TEAS-V_Summary_and_Objectives.pdf

And you can find great online learning resources at www.khanacademy.org (videos on all sorts of academic stuff; I found the biology part really helpful). You might also check out www.brainpop.com (I didn't go there but someone else found it useful).

I used the McGraw-Hill "5 TEAS Practice Tests" and McGraw-Hill "Nursing School Entrance Exams" to study. You'll definitely want to study over a few weeks, unless you just finished taking courses in all this stuff. For what it's worth, the actual test seemed harder in the science portion than the practice tests in these books, but the math/reading/English seemed about the same.

Out of curiosity, I compared my averages from the 5 practice tests to my actual scores on the test. My actual reading score was 8 points lower than my practice average; my actual math score was the same as my practice average; my actual science score was the same as my practice average; and my actual English score was four points higher than my practice average. Naturally, your mileage will vary.

There were definitely questions on the test that weren't covered in the science section of the "Nursing School Entrance Exam" book, but they were covered in the stuff I reviewed at khanacademy.org.

Also, the science test seemed to be very heavy on terminology, more so than the practice tests. You had to know it thoroughly to be able to answer a question well, so the books alone weren't enough; I'd definitely recommend spending time reviewing videos on areas that you're not comfortable with. And, by the way, while I was taking it, I felt like I wasn't doing very well in the science section, but I ended up doing okay. So don't freak out while you're taking the test, you're probably doing a lot better than you realize. Study hard, relax the day of the test, and good luck!

I took the TEAS V and did well except for the Science. The Science KILLED me!!! It was awful. For me it was a lot of physical/earth science and some organic chemistry and chemistry. My advice to anyone is study the Science in the ATI book the ATI book really helped me with the math. I ran out of time int he math section and missed some very simple questions because I worked so slowly in the beginning to make sure the got the answers correct and not make any "stupid" mistakes. Seriously though study the science.

Willowita-Hi with the time samething, happen ran out of time So probably woulf have had a Perfect score.In Math-93.3% Science-68.8 Reading-78.2 English-72%.So guys watch the time,but can you or anyone give me tips to boost my score up for READING &ENGLISH PLEASE. I only need a 76in reading 70 in,english 53 in science 75 in math.PLEASE HELP!!! email me:[email protected] need only help tips for Reading&English.I plan to take my test 04/15/12 Thanks in,advance

Hey what were your studying tips your score is awesome?

Buy the study guide!!! The math is a great review and make sure you know how to do all the math. The reading section gives you tips on how to improve your score. The worst is science. There is no way to study for this unless you know everything in the study guide and repeat 5th-10th grade. I was told that about 80% of people who take the test score proficient. So good luck and definitely study!

Hey Friends,

Just took my TEAS-V exam in the Bronx today, trying to get into Monroe College, but also applying to others. I have been out of school for quite some time and just reviewed using a study guide, for about 8 days total. I scored a Composite 90% and a DOUBLE 99 Percentile Rank. I am stoked, and hopes this helps assure a place in the program as it is very competitive. I think I may have gotten a LITTLE lucky, since all of the spelling terms I knew, and I thought that would be a weakness. The science portion was all across the board, but really knowing the basics of each type of science REALLY helped today.

Thanks for letting me celebrate this victory!


Way to go Spee2000! I took it on Friday and got the same score as you! I was really excited!

Good luck getting into your program. I am back in school too for a career change. Crossing my fingers because I should be hearing from my program soon!

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