Which vaccine?

Nurses COVID


Specializes in Acute Care, Diabetes, Project Management.

So as many of you have seen, read, heard about, or experienced, more and more healthcare systems are moving towards a mandatory vaccine without the option of testing twice a week. Many don't have the option of leaving their jobs, much like two close friends of mine, one of which is lactating, so they need to comply if they are to safeguard an income for their families.

If they had to pick a vaccine, which one has been shown in your experience or in research to be safest for a breastfeeding mother as well as someone who is not breastfeeding?

Please don't make this about politics, ethics, bashing my friends, or bashing on the vaccines. This is a choice, let's just help those around us to be as informed as possible. I am asking solely for which one has been shown to be the safest with side effects/adverse effects so far. I look online, and the information given is not accurate to what I have heard or experienced, but that was earlier in the year... How are things now?

If you're comfortable sharing, would greatly appreciate it. I want to give them as many details as possible so they can make an informed decision. Even at the risk for being bashed for this post ? God bless. Stay safe.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Hello, @happy.persimmon, your friends should discuss vaccination options with their OB and/or primary care provider/pediatrician. Allnurses members cannot provide medical advice. Thread closed. 

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