Published Aug 27, 2008
181 Posts
I have a phone interview with Davita coming up for Chronic Dialysis/ Home Peritoneal Dialysis. I have been looking through the post in this specialty, and it doesn't look too good as far as job satisfaction, etc. I don't have a lot of experience, and I am finding it hard to find something I really enjoy in nursing. It appears a lot of opinions are to run from Davita as a whole. What about the Home Peritoneal Dialysis? Would this be just as stressful? This job is actually teaching patients how to do this at home themselves. What do you think? Any advice, & or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Is there anyone out there that can give me some advice please?
40 Posts
Chronic HD with DaVita can be very stressful. I would go and see how the nurses work at the unit first.
Thanks for the reply dialysisguy. What about in home teaching for the patient? Do you think I could learn this without first going into the unit, or will they train to do the home thing first? I guess I can ask those questions when I interview, but those that have experience with this will probably be the most honest.
77 Posts
Moriah, I'm sorry that I just now came across this post. I'm an LPN who works in a Peritoneal Dialysis unit with DaVita. I really enjoy my job. Yes, there are days that are stressful; people are non compliant, catheters aren't always patent upon placement, or afterwards for that matter, people get peritonitis. Other days it's quite routine. I've been here for two years now and my months generally flow in the same fashion. Every month you draw labs on everyone, adequacy every quarter, lots of phone triage, training the new patients, etc. DaVita will train you well before letting you fly on your own.
Since today is the 10th you've probably already interviewed since your post was from late last month. Any specific questions you have, please let me know. All the best to you in whatever you decide. Personally I find PD to be rewarding.