Which core's before taking TEAS???


Which courses are crucial before taking the TEAS?

I am getting my core classes out of the way before applying to nursing school. I see the TEAS scores are good for 3 years, so I'm wondering....which classes will best prepare me for this class? Algebra, A&P1 and 2, etc. Or does it matter?

I'm not sure what all is on the test, and wondering if I can go ahead and get it out of the way before completing all my core classes?

Any help would be appreciated.



Hey, the test is a lot of basic skills, but A&P are definitely helpful, chemistry, algebra as well. The other stuff is like basic math, (no stats), basic science, english and reading. I waited and took all my BIOS last since they need to be in recent memory for the programs and I took the TEAS twice during the summer after I finished all my gen ed. The results from the TEAS comes within 3 to 4 days so its not necessary to take it super far in advance.

Hope I helped


Alicia, that was VERY helpful!!!

Oh and when you say :I took my bios last because they need to be in recent memory for the programs" you are speaking of the Nursing specific courses, right?!

Thanks again!


Your welcome, yes for your first year of nursing school you will need to have A&P and micro fresh in your memory.

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