Where to volunteer?


Anyone know the different between volunteering in the COPE Clinical Care Extender program in Southern California and the regular hospital volunteering?I'm considering between CCE and the Kaiser . Which one is better for a nursing student?

The cope Heath solution is much more intense training. You go to 12hour three days training that occur on Saturdays. On the third day, you must do two exams, one theoretical and one practicum. You must pass both to be accepted. I don't know about the others.

I just finished my 2nd day of training in CVHP CCE and oh my gosh it's intense training days but the pay-offs are amazing. I look up to the leadership team that's keeping the program together. You'll love the program especially if you're a nursing student like myself. You'll work closely with CNA's and RN's. Your job is basically a little lighter than what a CNA would do but still! I can't wait to get started! Who knows? They might hire me after the program if I have my certification as nursing assistant. It's a real perk cause you already know the hospitals you're gonna work on. You can also network with RN's which are your role models for future careers.

Thank you Te1990na and chmariee. I become a CCE now.

To be honest. It's kinda too much for student nurse for me. School, work and volunteer. I don't feel they give us flexible schedule. Doing CNA job is not that much learning for me because I do more at school's clinical. I was hoping to network with RN but 4 hours shift a week is not enough and there is nothing to say that I can work at the hospital later. It requires lot of time invest which I don't have since school is intense.

It's a good opportunity to learn for people. It would be benefit if I joined it before I got into the nursing program.

So far I'm doing ok but it's tough to plan on schedule. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for your recommendations.

Hope you are doing well

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