Published Apr 27, 2005
31 Posts
Does anyone have advice on where to start? I was thinking about Rhode Island, but saw a previous message that advised against RI. I am curious..why? Is Boston a good place? I seem to be thinking East Coast. Any words of wisdom?
12 Posts
Hi Sandy917. Very good question. It is all personal preference really. Getting a decent assignment is what we all want. The problem is, there are some assignments that are just not to our liking. They vary widely and are hard to tell the good ones from the bad. I might work for XYZ Hospital and have a great time, while you might feel it is a bad assignment. It all boils down to how well you interact with your co-workers at the assignment. Best advice I can give is figure out what area you want to work in (state) and then ask people's opinions of hospitals they have worked there. You will see tends when you do this like most people say to stay away from ABC area or that the majority of people hated working at XYZ hospital. Take the information you gather and make your own decision on it. I have taken assignments labeled as a "bad assignment" and have a wonderful time there and had bad times at a "good assignment" as well. Eventually we all get a bad one but you just tell yourself it is only for XX number of weeks and the next one will be better. This tends to hold true.
Good advice, thank you!! I appreciate it.