Published Nov 11, 2004
2 Posts
I am doing a paper on the effects of labor pain medication on breastfeeding. I need to find out what percentage of US women receive pain medication... i.e. epidural, analgesia, etc. A breakdown would be great too.
It needs to come from valid research. I can't seem to find that. Any advice or info? Thanks a bunch!
1,907 Posts
Have you tried the journals like AWHONN(association of women's health, obstetric and neonatal nurses; ACOG(american college of ob/gyn's); ACNM (american college of nurse midwives), etc.?? Or contacting the associations themselves?
If you google it you come up with a bunch of stuff, they are mostly casual articles but some of them may list their references and give you a jumping off point.
This one, for example, lists "Source: The Maternity Center Association's Listening to Mothers survey" (a national survey):,,239024_548375-2,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=2
Have you searched phrases like "percent women using drugs in labor" in your school's online database of full text journal articles? Using Cinahl, Ovid, ProQuest, etc.?
38 Posts
The overall statistics can be found on google and are quite frightening. HOWEVER, when you disaggregate the figures and take into account hospital policies, the numbers show a different story.
What do you regard as "pain medication". A single shot of narcotics? Are you counting an epidural given for a scheduled caesarian or an emergency c-section as "pain medication"? What about locals given for episiotomies or for stitching tears?
The effects of various medications on breast-feeding have been endlessly researched and while some of the results are still disputed, there's a huge body of evidence out there related to the half-life and direct impact of drugs given to labouring women and neo-natal outcomes. What's even more interesting from a pure research point of view - and the terms in which you phrased your question lead me to believe that you weren't asking about these - is the impact on breast-feeding (via their impact on the mother) of drugs and procedures which do not have a direct in utero effect.