When should I apply to nursing school?


Hello there,

I was wondering when it would be the right time to apply to nursing school my top choices in order of preference are (MDC medical campus, FIU, NSU) I have taken all my pre-reqs except for Micro and Lab, Nutrition and Critical thinking, everything else is done, I am starting to volunteer now with WBHI and applying to Baptist hospital and Miami Children's. When would it be a good time to submit my application? Once I'm done volunteering and done with my pre-reqs and entrance exam or now? Thank you

PS: I've gotten all A's and B's except for Anatomy 1 lecture (i got a C) and can't retake it, should i be worried? My GPA is 3.46 and getting it higher because I'm doing good. Any information helps! I'm a rookie :) thanks

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I think you should wait until you've successfully completed all remaining prerequisite courses before submitting applications to these various nursing programs.

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