When is a baby head bump serious?


Hi there,

Spinning off from an earlier thread - I mentioned that in the course of my daily work, a mum of a 1 year old patient being over protective (I thought), by making him wear a protective bump hat (see www.thudguard.com) - well the thread had mixed responses as you can imagine! Thing is; as a parent myself, we dont ever get educated on the 24 hrs symptoms to look for in a baby head injury, i.e., vomiting, drowsiness, dont need to tell you obviously, but when do the general public, if at all, ever get to know this valuable information? Usually only when they show up at ER with a split head!

The reason I ask is; someone posted the above website link and I noticed, after me mocking the product, that they offer free advice on head inury of babies and what to look for. You just dont see this in the doctors surgery or drug store like the advice on

Vaccinations etc..... and when do you really know, as a care provider, when it is really serious and will constant bumps and bruises of a child cause long term affect, such as learning difficulties or much later on in life, moral dilemas? I read once that, murderers who had their brian examined, showed that at one time or another they had suffered from front lobe damage - and thus their capacity for right or wrong was questioned! Boxers for instance - I know they suffer big blows but repeated small thuds...... see where I am going with this!

Do you know what I mean?


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