Published Jan 9, 2012
5 Posts
I jus started my registered nursing program, first year of college and we don't start clinical untill second year so i was jus wondering whats it like on the first, what sort of things should i expect stuff like that.
~PedsRN~, BSN, RN
826 Posts
Nothing I say will prepare you. :) Working with real patients is an incredible experience... and once you hit the floor and the book stuff starts to make sense on an application level, it's like a light bulb goes off in your head.
188 Posts
Being able to see first-hand things you were taught in the class room and being able to do the skills you learned in lab on real patients is the best part of nursing school in my opinion. I always am nervous the first day of clinical at a new hospital, but after a couple of days, the nervousness starts to fade.
Before clinical we get our patient data and I take some time to research their diagnosis, common related to procedures, and the meds the night before. This helps a lot! Except when your patient changes of course, which happens a lot!
61 Posts
Don't be nervous! That's the best advice I can give. I was so nervous on the first day of clinical and it really doesn't help at all. If you act confident (even if you're not lol) it really makes the patient feel more comfortable.
My clinical instructor let us get our feet wet first. One patient, and mostly simple tasks at first (making beds, bathing, etc.) before she made us jump in. That helped. Also if you can do what the other poster said and look up info on the patient, their diagnosis and meds that really helps a lot too. Good luck you will do great!