What would you do?


I'm looking for a little advice. I am an lpn.I am currently trying to get into an lpn-rn bridge program, because now in my late 30's I have decided I am tired of the pay and want more out of my career. I worked for a local hospital for 10 years and they started laying off and changing shifts. I became a little weary of these yearly cutbacks.I had tried to get on with the VA for a number of years and finally was offered a job as a health tech. I took it to get "my foot in the door" and hopefully move up the so called career ladder or get a nursing position. Well three years later I have yet to be picked for a higher position because USAjobs is treacherous and was told I am in-eligible to apply for in-house nursing positions because I do not currently work as an lpn.

My question is, while the VA offers great insurance and retirement, I am in a dead end position. Would you stay and possibly waste more time hoping something comes up or look else where? A position at the hospital I left may be coming open in the near future in a nurse navigation position that I would love. I left on good terms and they are a little more flexible with hiring and give lpns opportunities that alot of others would not. I think I could also go back to school and stay in that position if I wanted. They have a new CEO and in my mind all hospitals are created equal as far as how employees are treated. Anyway so if you were me would this be something to consider?Keep in mind the insurance and retirement arent as good.

I'm not familiar with the VA system, but is there someone in HR that you could possibly reach out to for advice? If you're not unhappy with your current position, I would focus on the bridge program and then apply for RN positions within the VA.

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