What are your study Habits/Time Management???

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students



I start my LVN program on 01/11/2010 and am very nervous about EVERYTHING. For current LVN/LPN students what are your study habits??? any good note-taking tips??? How do you manage your time??? any good tips for a new student would be great.:uhoh3:

I start the same day but have been preparing for a month now.

I've gone through all of my textbooks for the semester & made flashcards for each chapter. I have always been a flashcard person. Additionally, there was a few things confusing to me....for example our required med calculations book is horrible! Hardly any examples, etc...so I picked up a few extra books that were highly recommended here & ended up finding one that had it laid out in a way I could better understand it.

I also ordered a great set of anatomy flash cards & have been working on those.

For me when I've taken notes in the past, I keep a notebook for each subject so I don't jumble any of the classes up. I also ordered a digital voice recorder so I could record lectures & not worry that I'm going to miss anything.

Our teacher indicated that we should expect 5-6 hours of homework a night. I plan on doing 2 hours before I pick my kids up & then I will have another 4 hours available after they are in bed until I go to bed (at least that's my goal lol) as I'd really like to be able to get a decent amount of sleep every night.

Look forward to hearing everyone elses ideas/tips!

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