Published May 16, 2021
ThinkerBelleRN, BSN, RN
177 Posts
I am a burnt out medsurg nurse. Was lucky enough to work at a wound/hbot center for a few years but had to leave the job to move to a different city. I have 6 years medsurg and 4 years ambulatory experience.
Right now, I am trying to transfer to a clinic position at the same hospital I am working but have not heard from HR. I applied to every clinic position I see.
I don't know how else I can fix my resume to get some hits for an outpatient/clinic/ambulatory job anything not medsurg not bedside not acute care. I want to go back outpatient. Im so desperate.
What key skills should I highlight in my resume? What medsurg/bedside skills can I connect to ambulatory jobs?
Also, during interview, what should I say when asked why I applied for the job and not make it sound like Im just exhausted and burnt out and just really want out out of bedside.
Thanks in advance.