Published Mar 6, 2011
3 Posts
Hello all. I've got a question for you experienced travelers out there. I might need to travel due to looseing my job but my problem is this. I have some medications that I take that are schudle two and have to have an actual script for them every month. How am I able to travle and still see my doctor and get my prescriptions. Any suggestions on how to get around this or what?
410 Posts
There is no way around it. If you are required to see your Dr. before you can get your prescription then you must do it. Travel with that in mind and you will have no worries. Ignore it and you will have no end to your troubles.
This is my opinion, unpaid and for you to use as you please.
165 Posts
First, discuss what you are wanting to do with your physician and see if he/she will come up with a solution first.
If they are unsure, you might ask if it would be possible to obtain a 3 month supply of medication for this particular circumstance. You will have to keep the meds under lock and key, knowing that you will not receive any replacement during that time period if something happens. If you have not had any incidents with meds in the past, it will likely not be a problem.
If that doesn't work, you could obtain your refill immediately prior to leaving, and obtain some records and a letter from your physician stating your circumstances, diagnosis, meds taken and date of last refill. Also, stating in the letter that they would be available for any questions about you and your med usage, etc. Before you leave, try and locate a physician in your new location that would agree to Rx meds with all your documentation in hand and current physician available via phone.
12 Posts
If you must obtain a written script for monthly meds, some docs will write 3 scripts and date them accordingly. You just take the Rx with you and fill them on the appropriate dates.
My boys doc does this for his ADD meds and is seen every 90 days. Hope this helps