What are you doing to prepare yourself?


Specializes in SICU.

Is anybody doing anything to "prepare" themselves for the gross stuff you'll potentially see when you start nursing school? I know a lot of us (myself included) are fascinated with the human body, love to watch surgeries on Discovery Health, but let's face it, there are going to be some things that will make you sick to your stomach. For me it will be infected wounds, burn victims, shooting victims, and who know what else.

I don't know if I'm alone here, but I've been looking at websites with gross pictures of medical conditions to sort of familiarize myself with these sort of things so I won't be AS shocked when I see it in real life.

Is anyone else a little nervous?

Specializes in SICU.

Oops, guess I didn't see the recent thread about squeamishness!!

Anyway, in case anyone is curious about the sites I've been looking at, they are:


That site doesn't really have THAT many photos, but there are a few things. I've never seen anyone w/ their intestines hanging out before!!!



I would visit here w/ much caution. I had never heard about it until a paramedic friend of mine told me the other week. Lots of dead bodies and things that probably shouldn't be on the internet. Granted, as nurses we probably won't see people who are already dead, but once again, this site shows a powerlifter who squeezed out his intestines. YUCK!

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