What are the pre-nursing classes like?


Hello, I'm currently a Senior in High School & I Plan to major in Nursing. I just have a quick question: What are the pre-nursing classes like? Which did you find the hardest & is the math really complicated?

Specializes in Critical Care.

I forgot to say, for me thus far, Anatomy - the lab portion, when we had to learn all of the fine details of the bones in one week and and all of the main appendicular muscles in one week. For me that was really stressful, cause I had a lot on my plate, pre-req wise, at the time.

Inorganic Chem. literally drove me to tears, but I think that was more because of the teacher/grading scale and the fact that I had just fully woken up to the insanely competitive nature of getting into nursing school (knew I couldn't get any kind of B grade - had to get at least A-). Physiology and Microbiology are alot of detailed info, but I personally enjoy those classes.

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