What do other nurses think about agency nursing?


Specializes in Respiratory.

Hi i'm new to this forum, but as i recently mentioned on another thread i am thinking of joining a nursing agency so i can pick and choose the shifts i want to fit in with my young family. I have worked for the same NHS trust for 31 years. I would be very grateful for advice from other nurses who have left their jobs to join an agency e.g. do you get regular work etc.

Specializes in LTC, ER.

WhenI was an LPN I quit my job to work agency full time. It can be challenging. I had to be creative in order to make my hours. Some weeks if i could get alot of shifts i would work OT, because things might get slow for a while. It is definitely good to be registered with more than one IMO. There were some days when I did 7-3 in one facility with one agency, and then went across town and did 3-11 in another facility with a different agency. I haven't done too much agency as an rn, but I know that if you have strong skills in a specific unit, you are offered lots of work. I always see agencies offering 13 week contracts, and I do know nurses who have worked only agency and done very well financially.

Specializes in Respiratory.

Hi cursenurse, Thanks for the reply. My real aim is to retire at 55 and then do a couple of shifts agency work to supplement my pension. I really don't want to finish earlier as i love working nights, i do 3 a week and i sleep ok during the day. I'm now a little stressed as to this possibility of having to do some days, i'm sure it must upset your body clock having to keep changing over.

I have worked as an agency LPN for about 18yrs now... the past 3 yrs or so I have made close to if not more than $40,000/yr....

You are right... you do need to be flexible, but if you can work like a crazy person for a week or so, the next week is ok if you don't get the number of shifts you really want.

You need to be disciplined enough to bank the extra when it comes, and I bargain hunt and stock my fridge, freezer and pantry when I can.

Good Luck!


Specializes in Respiratory.

Hi Faye, Do you find you get a few shifts on one ward or do you find you are on different wards for every shift you work? I always find my second night is easier because by then you know all the patients, thats why i like to work my three nights together for continuity.

Would you work permanently on one ward or do you prefer the change of different wards etc?

One thing i would look forward to is taking a back seat and just working as a pair of hands with no responsibility, by that i mean not taking charge of a ward, just bedside nursing then going home to my family. Though i am hoping to carry on working for another 5 year on the ward i'm on.

I have done agency for the past 5 years. It has it's moments. At the present time, it is somewhat slow. However, if you're with a good agency as I have been in the past, they will do whatever to make sure you have work if that's what you want. I am presently with Crown and I have to be very aggressive with them or I don't get much work. Other nurses have said the same thing. I know there are some really good agencies out there though. Good Luck:typing

Specializes in Med/surg;correctional;nursing homes;OR.

I have been a Travel Nurse for the last 4 years and it has it's moments. One assignment it could be great, you enjoyed the staff and the nursing assignment was fair. On another assignment, you really have to be on your guard to get a fair assignment and to protect your license. I have worked in certain hospitals who love to give the travelers the hardest assignments, while the other floor staff sit back and watch you work hard and won't lend a hand. Some hospital are travel friendly and others are not. Some nursing staff figure you are making twice as much as they are and can be jealous. So it depends on who is mature enough to welcome travelers and move on with it. I love the career, I love to move around from one place to another. I love to do my assignment and not get involved in the hospital polictics or be in charge and have the responsibilities of the of the staff and floor. :bowingpur

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