What should I take in this order??


Hey all, first time posting. Trying to figure out which is the best course of action to re-take credits to get into an accelerated program next fall '19. I have to take as follows:

AnP 2


Chem 1

Chem 2

I have Summer 18, Fall 18, Spring 19, and Summer 19 to take these 4 classes.

What does everyone recommend?

I'd probably do Chem 1 and then Chem 2 and do whichever of A&P2 or Micro works best with my schedule that semester. If you've recently took A&P1, I might take A&P 2 third just so it's not too far away from the first course.

I passed AnP1 in 2011, the credit is good for 10 years for this nursing school. So maybe I should take AnP 1 again? or just hope for the best in AnP 2?

Unless you have the time and money to spare, I don't think it's necessary. You can easily instead do some review yourself before you take A&P2. There's Crash Course A&P on youtube that's good for an overview, and Khan Academy has a really detailed video series on A&P for specifics. You could also see if all the A&P classes use the same textbook and just order it the semester before you start to review the first however many chapters.

Specializes in MSICU.

Personally, I would audit a&p1 over summer to refresh myself (if your school allows for that). I took intro bio (a&p prereq) like 10 years before a&p (took it for my first bachelors degree, now career changer to nursing). The class didn't expire so I thought, no problem, I'll brush up. I totally wish I would have audited it before I started a&p! Even though I got an A+ in a&p1 and currently have an A+ in a&p2, there are still some things that get mentioned ("you should remember this from bio156!") which I totally don't remember and have to try to relearn when they come up.

Then I would take a&p2 and chem 1 in fall, and micro and chem2 in spring. Just my 2 cents.

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